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Tuesday, January 12, 2010Y

My blog is NOT dead. I'm just too lazy to post anything, and its not like I have much to post anyway.

2nd semester of school has started and I'm dreading each day. Firstly, being the lousy time-table planner that I am, I just had to take modules with conflicting tutorials, consecutive lectures at two different ends of the campus and HUGE break in between lessons. I can't even blame admin for giving me a lousy time-table because I DID IT!

My mods for this sem:

NM2209 - Social Psychology of New Media
NM2102 - Theories of Communication and New Media
NM2220 - Introduction to Media Writing
SC2214 - Mass Media and Culture
MA1312 - Calculus with Application

UGhh. I didn't research thoroughly to find out that NM2209 has 25% class participation. That's like 1/4 of my grade! I can't talk spontaneously to save my life unless I've rehearsed for it, like a project presentation or something. I'm so doomed. Someone coach me to think on my feet please!!

I've only been through NM2220, SC2214 and MA1312 so far. NM2220 is alright but they expect proficiency in English, and I mean HIGH proficiency. People in lecture are blabbing off some cheeem words I can't even make sense of. It drives me crazy! It is so hard to drive your point with digestible words?! But we did learn some journalism photography techniques which were quite cool even though I have no intention of being a photographer. My only camera is the idiot proof one. Hee.

SC2214......utter bore. Plus it didn't help that the lecturer's voice was sooooo dreamy. Think I zoned out most of the time during lecture or sneaking a peek at the person beside me meddling with her iphone. (jealous! =D )

I'm like super psyched for MA1312 though. I'm like deprived of maths for months! Yes me a geek. The lecturer is ok I guess, and he CAN joke. Finally! A lecturer with a sense of humour, albeit a tad bit lame. Oh! And I even bumped into Ailing taking the same mod! She's with her friends though so I didn't to talk to her much. But it's nice to know other people taking the same mod with you. I don't have any friends taking the other mods with me, no one is at arts!! It's a lonely lonely life.

Sighs, when tutorial kicks in at the 3rd week, it's going to be a mad rush till exam again. I hope things work out though...

Ohh. And does anyone else think the upcoming apple tablet looks awesome?! =D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009Y

I'm blogging now at 2 am in the morning because I just had dinner/supper at 10 and I'm too guilty to sleep. Thanks to my considerate daddy who conveniently forgot about me and ate all my dinner.

My mummy is gleefully taking advantage of my recovery. She was like, 'Not sick le hor? I need the ceilings painted and my hair needs to be dyed.' I suspect she's anticipating my recovery. See la, on the one hand I'm praying that I get well soon while she's there wishing for the same so that I can do chores for her! So I spent two days doing up the ceiling and my back is aching from bending backwards and climbing ladders. One person to cover the entire house ceilings while my useless brother, being a boy, watches tv and my sister, being 176cm and claiming to be non-artistic, refuses to help. I don't even know what being artistic has to do with spaming the ceiling with white paint.

In any case I got carried away doing painting that I totally forgot about lunch and painted straight till 8pm, thinking that I shall just settle for dinner. Yet my dearest daddy ate my share even after I told him I haven't had dinner. Such a darling. I thought since I wasn't hungry I wasn't going to do anything about it. But at 10 I was famished! And now, I'm stuck wide awake waiting for digestion.

Did I mention I idiotically painted my bedside stairs with some kerosene smelling paint and now my whole room is filled with the smell!!! My mum wants us to sleep in the hall tonight because she claims that if we inhale too much of that stuff, we'll turn dumb. So, in order to retain the already limiting IQ, my sis and I are now outside. My mum has decided to join us because daddy is snoring too loudly. Yay, pseudo sleep-over! I also realise that we have 3 spare mattresses. Wowzers.

People, I NEED TO GO OUT!!! So far I've not been out often except that once with Peh to watch Princess and the Frog.

Zee movie is AWESOME!! So awesome, I watched TWICE consecutively over two days! Then again I may be bias since I'm a Disney-Fanatic. I've been waiting forever for a Disney old-school 2D animation!! And now I have its soundtrack on repeat mode! Watched twice, teared twice. Aw I'm a sucker for classics. If anyone needs company for this movie, I don't mind a third time! =D

J'et adore, J'et aime

Saturday, December 05, 2009Y

It's been an awfully long time since I last blogged basically because I've ran out of interesting things to blog about. Uni life is horrible!

The exams are finally over and I can finally stop stressing about it. But I've not done anything fun for the past few days after the exams. I got sick, my grandma's in hospital so I'm pretty much caught up doing chores and visiting since my maid has to take care of her.

My grandma is super cute in the hospital though. She's busy flirting with the doctors -.- One asked for her age when doing the routine checkup and she happily answered '78 and available!' I've got to hand it to her. Plus she keeps chatting with her neighbours till I had to call her to keep quiet because it was pretty obvious they wanted to rest. For an elderly patient, she sure isn't acting very sickly.

I HAVE NO PLANS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Oh my god, I can't believe I'm going to waste it like that. Think I'll have to entertain myself when I recover. Oh, and there is that overseas trip I can look forward to! Haha. For now, anyone wants to watch new moon with me? =)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009Y

It's 2.30 and lecture starts at 4. I am stuck in school since 12 with absolutely nothing to do! Right now I'm at the library but I forgot to bring any materials to mug with thus the update.

I just saw this caucasian guy that REALLY looks like Robert Pattinson. I'm just blantantly staring at him right now. He even has that disgusting oily hair and red lips that R pat has. Haha. If only my phone cam doesn't make that click noise, otherwise I would have took a picture of him and upload it.

BORED. Amuse me.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009Y

I think uni life is making me develop sotong-like tendencies.

I missed Japanese studies tutorial today!! Tutorial started at 9 and I happily woke up at 8.45 on hearing Joselyn's call asking me where I was. My LG phone really really sucks. The alarm doesn't work. So I wrote a post-it note to my sister, asking her to wake me up before she goes off to school today, thinking that I'm so clever. But I woke up today, realising that today was the darn teacher's day and she didn't have school! Which meant that she didn't read the note, and so NO ONE WOKE ME UP. So I ended up being super late and had to get my dad to drive me to school. Arghhh..

Firstly, I'm going to buy myself an alarm clock.
Secondly, I'm going to use back my colour-pealing nokia phone and dunk my LG phone in water and watch it sizzle and die! (angst)
Thirdly, I need to stop being so blur!

I went to try out netball today and it was bad. I figured uni isn't a place where you learn things. It's more like a place to build on things you already know. Like netball, even though it's recreational, if you go there knowing nuts about it, you'll have people screaming at you for not going to the right position. Like how am I suppose to know how to play! Stupid impatient people. Why so serious! It's just a game! Doesn't matter, I ended up running the school track with Peh. In JC, I used to hate PE so much. But now I'm running volunteeringly, because not doing any exercise at all during uni makes me feel unhealthy, sorta. I seriously think this is a joke, haha.

Shoot, I haven't read this week's reading for Japanese studies and Sociology. I thought we were all here to learn about Japanese culture, but it seems like everyone else already has knowledge regarding it. I feel so dumb in uni sometimes, like why other people's general knowledge is so profound while mine is so shallow. Must be the endless years in neighbourhood schools, that's why I'm probably 井底之蛙. People's mentality in uni is so different. I think I'm suffering from cultural shock. Quote from Sabrina, 'whoever says uni life is slack, must be drunk.'

Wednesday, August 19, 2009Y

My driving instructor is trying to kill me.

Months ago (I think it was 2), that stupid uncle told me off for being a slow learner, that he has never seen such a lousy driver before, that I should change to auto because apparently, my skills are too lousy to handle manual. I remembered crying that day and I was ready to give up and seriously considered changing to auto. After which, I decided I wasn't going to give up that easily. If I'm so slow, then I'm just going to have to take longer than others just to learn the basics. I don't care how much longer, I'm just going to get it eventually, and I was determined to prove to that stupid man.

Today, I finally could control that stupid thing you call a clutch without stalling. Yes, I'm damn slow, but I did it okay! So that stupid uncle said,' finally we can move on to parking.' YES, FINALLY. I suspect he doesn't like it that I improved, cause he forced me to learn parking atop a multistorey carkpark when the open-spaced one below was perfectly empty. To get above the multistorey carpark, I had to go up this winding path. Oh my god, I could just die. My short legs had to stress on the accelerator so that we could go up and I had to turn and turn and turn!!! I was praying damn hard that I don't knock into the walls or end up sliding downwards.

This is something like the one I went on. I was concentrating very very hard so I think I might have displayed a very agitated espression or something cause the uncle said,' I asking you to turn leh, not ask you to shit, you give that kind of face for what!' Thanks...apparently I have a shit face when I'm driving upslope.

In anycase it was sort of encouraging today, I felt like I finally made some advancement. Come on man, I can so do this!

School is horrible!! I hate my timetable so much! And I don't understand my study materials. I miss maths and biology and chemistry. I hate the transport there. ARrghh.

Friday, August 14, 2009Y

I don't like being anyone's last resort! Don't find me because you have NO OTHER CHOICE. It sucks to feel like you're being used...