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Tuesday, January 12, 2010Y

My blog is NOT dead. I'm just too lazy to post anything, and its not like I have much to post anyway.

2nd semester of school has started and I'm dreading each day. Firstly, being the lousy time-table planner that I am, I just had to take modules with conflicting tutorials, consecutive lectures at two different ends of the campus and HUGE break in between lessons. I can't even blame admin for giving me a lousy time-table because I DID IT!

My mods for this sem:

NM2209 - Social Psychology of New Media
NM2102 - Theories of Communication and New Media
NM2220 - Introduction to Media Writing
SC2214 - Mass Media and Culture
MA1312 - Calculus with Application

UGhh. I didn't research thoroughly to find out that NM2209 has 25% class participation. That's like 1/4 of my grade! I can't talk spontaneously to save my life unless I've rehearsed for it, like a project presentation or something. I'm so doomed. Someone coach me to think on my feet please!!

I've only been through NM2220, SC2214 and MA1312 so far. NM2220 is alright but they expect proficiency in English, and I mean HIGH proficiency. People in lecture are blabbing off some cheeem words I can't even make sense of. It drives me crazy! It is so hard to drive your point with digestible words?! But we did learn some journalism photography techniques which were quite cool even though I have no intention of being a photographer. My only camera is the idiot proof one. Hee.

SC2214......utter bore. Plus it didn't help that the lecturer's voice was sooooo dreamy. Think I zoned out most of the time during lecture or sneaking a peek at the person beside me meddling with her iphone. (jealous! =D )

I'm like super psyched for MA1312 though. I'm like deprived of maths for months! Yes me a geek. The lecturer is ok I guess, and he CAN joke. Finally! A lecturer with a sense of humour, albeit a tad bit lame. Oh! And I even bumped into Ailing taking the same mod! She's with her friends though so I didn't to talk to her much. But it's nice to know other people taking the same mod with you. I don't have any friends taking the other mods with me, no one is at arts!! It's a lonely lonely life.

Sighs, when tutorial kicks in at the 3rd week, it's going to be a mad rush till exam again. I hope things work out though...

Ohh. And does anyone else think the upcoming apple tablet looks awesome?! =D