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Tuesday, September 01, 2009Y

I think uni life is making me develop sotong-like tendencies.

I missed Japanese studies tutorial today!! Tutorial started at 9 and I happily woke up at 8.45 on hearing Joselyn's call asking me where I was. My LG phone really really sucks. The alarm doesn't work. So I wrote a post-it note to my sister, asking her to wake me up before she goes off to school today, thinking that I'm so clever. But I woke up today, realising that today was the darn teacher's day and she didn't have school! Which meant that she didn't read the note, and so NO ONE WOKE ME UP. So I ended up being super late and had to get my dad to drive me to school. Arghhh..

Firstly, I'm going to buy myself an alarm clock.
Secondly, I'm going to use back my colour-pealing nokia phone and dunk my LG phone in water and watch it sizzle and die! (angst)
Thirdly, I need to stop being so blur!

I went to try out netball today and it was bad. I figured uni isn't a place where you learn things. It's more like a place to build on things you already know. Like netball, even though it's recreational, if you go there knowing nuts about it, you'll have people screaming at you for not going to the right position. Like how am I suppose to know how to play! Stupid impatient people. Why so serious! It's just a game! Doesn't matter, I ended up running the school track with Peh. In JC, I used to hate PE so much. But now I'm running volunteeringly, because not doing any exercise at all during uni makes me feel unhealthy, sorta. I seriously think this is a joke, haha.

Shoot, I haven't read this week's reading for Japanese studies and Sociology. I thought we were all here to learn about Japanese culture, but it seems like everyone else already has knowledge regarding it. I feel so dumb in uni sometimes, like why other people's general knowledge is so profound while mine is so shallow. Must be the endless years in neighbourhood schools, that's why I'm probably 井底之蛙. People's mentality in uni is so different. I think I'm suffering from cultural shock. Quote from Sabrina, 'whoever says uni life is slack, must be drunk.'