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Friday, July 31, 2009Y

The week has ended and I've just had a taste of uni life. Already I'm missing JC...

Monday and Tuesday I had to go school for talks, and I was late on both days!! It feels so different, taking an hour plus to reach school instead of the 30min I used to take to reach PJ. Being the road idiot I am, I took the wrong bus on both days and ended up going one whole round. Sickening, my brain doesn't function when it comes to directions. Wednesday was registration day and I had to make my way to a different part of the school. I had to take a different bus there, and naturally, I lost my way AGAIN. I had to call Peh to ask for directions. Argh..I need someone to escot me to school seriously. Registration means:

Customised cards! Yippee!

Oh yes, I passed my QET!! Phew, this means I don't have to take some time-consuming English module.

Thursday and Friday was spent in orientation camps. I seriously hate orientation, and I still do. I still have the whole of next week for orientation. A whole 7 days of orientations!! Sighs. It takes me forever to adapt to new places, new people. Strangely enough, I have a few random people coming up to me during camp and asking if I was from (insert school here) because apparently, I look like someone they know. Do I look like alot of people!!?? HAha, one of my og mate was saying that I should go for plastic surgery to create some individuality. Also, people are confused between me and another og mate within the og itself. I shall find a chance to take pictures someday. You guys be the judge ok? Haha. This is what happens when you go to a school with a large population, you just look like everybody else.

NUS has this system of bidding for the modules you want to take. At first I thought it sounded fun, but seriously, it's like damn stressful. We bid from the morning, and it's like watching the stocks market. Everyone was trying to outbid each other and I had to keep uping my bid points to secure my place. It's even worse for us because we're involved in orientation. Those people at home were bidding all day whereas we are playing half heartedly in the games because half our minds are worried about the bidding. I had to sms Peh all the time to get her to check the updated status for me. This year's cohort was strange, even the seniors said so. Econs and Psychology has always been the hot fav in previous cohorts. But this year, there were so little people bidding for them, and everyone was turning to Sociology. Why are we bucking the trend!!! Now everyone is vying for the same modules as me!! Close to the end of bidding time, someone had actually bid 800 points for sociolgy when we were only given 600 to spend for 4 modules. It's so difficult to compete with the older students! Luckily, at the end of the whole stupid thing, I was granted every module that I bid for. PHEW. Some of my og mates were kind of sad because they were only given two modules when the requirement was four. Guess they have to do it again next semester. There is another round of bidding soon for some general module we have to do and also balloting for tutorial spots. Argh, it's stress all over again. Meanwhile, I'm trying to fix my timetable so I only have to go school for 3 days. HAhah.

School's officially starting in a week's time. I'm going to take Sociology, Japanese studies, Literature and Communications/New media. I hope everything works out. =)

By the way, is it just me, or does blogger not allow pictures to be uploaded anymore? I had to upload it to a hosting web which is really troublesome.