It's Sunday today, which means...I only have TWO more days till the end of my job! Well I'm not extremely happy, because this means I have absolutely NO INCOME, but otherwise, I'm super glad this finally ended! I'll post the afterthoughts on Tuesday when I officially end my job. Meanwhile, I'm just going to plan my last free month doing something FRUITFUL (hopefully).
This is the craziest month of the job. Aside from the obvious fact that it's the school holidays and I have students and touritsts STREAMING in for dental treatments, there was also the H1N1 issue and we had to do all the temperature taking. Perhaps the most traumatizing one was the office politics between colleagues that soured our relationship. It made me realise that being older does not mean you're more mature. I was really digusted with the way some of my colleagues have been acting, even more so when they tried to get me involved. It's like, I came to work, not to take part in your silly antics. Grow up people!
In this case, it pays to be indifferent. See it's not always most painful to sit on the fence. It's a good thing some of my colleagues feel the same, and we just decided to ignore the situation as much as possible. We must be the smarter ones...=D

Introducing us, the heck-care-about-everything people. From left, me, Peh and Sheila! We spend more time discussing about trading in Restaurant City than anything else. Sheila says she will miss me because no one will buy for her tori Q when I go. (How sad, she misses me because of food...haa, nah, I know it's more than that.) She was soooo sweet on thur. She brought coffee from her house for me because she knows I need my daily dose in the afternoon before I fall asleep on the job. Her mom gave it to her even though Sheila doesn't drink coffee, but she told her mom she'll bring it to work anyway because her friend needs it. (awwwww....cries...)
Okay, more on tuesday. Here is a sms conversation between my dad and I after my driving lessons today:
Dad: Please buy chinese newspaper if convenient. :)
Me: Ok. Want coffee?
Dad: If not too troublesome. Better not, it's
raining. :)
Me: It's ok. I'll use your newspaper to cover! Haha.
Dad: No thanks! Don't bring back newspaper pulp!! :)
Why do adults try this teenager thing of having smilies at the end of the
sentence even though I think it's pretty cute how my dad is trying it.