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Saturday, May 23, 2009Y

Work today was horrible. Peh took leave and I was left with the horrid Rayne. But after work was really great. I went to the esplanade with my sister to listen to the Singapore Festival Orchestra perform songs from Final Fantasy!

It was really good! And the composer was actually present and he gamely went up stage to sing with the choir. And the guy playing the piano was sooo talented! Sighs. The whole concert was spontaneous and the people there were so responsive and appreciative. Lalala. Enjoyed it.

Initially wanted to watch Angels and Demons again with my sister but I've ran out of cash! Craps. I don't know how I spend money seriously.

Whee~next week is going to be fun! I've got Monday and Thursday off and it's pay day week!

And I'm off to watch Hana Yori Dango on Channel U!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009Y

Yesterday was yet another semi-gathering with Ruiwen, Charlene and Peh. We went to watch a super awesome movie!

Angels And Demons!

IT'S SUPER NICE!!! They should have came out with this movie before the A lvls! Gah! Peh and I actually smuggled curry puffs into the cinema to munch on. But we were so concentrated on the plot we ended up not eating the puffs and it went soggy in my bag. Yucks. Anyways it's really really an interesting show and I want to watch it again! And if i don't find anyone to watch it with me, I'm getting the DVD when it comes out. Anyways, I just HAD to get the book after watching the movie, so I went to Kino today and bought the book! Wahaha. I'm hooked!!!

In any case, my lappie is making loud gurgling noises and I have no idea why. I think there is a defunct in the cooling fan. It sounds like it might just explode any minute. Stupid. I thought vaio wasn't suppose to spoil this fast. Hais..I'm going to bring it for repairs tomorrow which means....IM GOING TO BE COMPUTER-LESS! Good thing I have a new book to read!!! =)

35 more days to freedom!!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009Y

I'm still trying...

Today is the last RAYNE - free day...The stupid woman is coming back next week. Hais...what's that worthless woman even around for?

After work today, randomly met up with Peh (ok this is not so random) and Ruiwen. Initially intended to watch Angels and Demons till it was their class gathering (envies). We ate ajisen and I FINALLY got to eat my pumpkin croquet!!! ^^ We were chatting and then Ruiwen was the one who noticed the time and she went, ''s 4 leh.' Gosh, don't know how she says it so calmly. OUR MOVIE WAS AT 4!!! By the time we got there, tickets were totally sold out. HAhah. Probably going to have the catch it another time. (RUI! Date ah!)

Their class gathering got cancelled eventually. So ended up meeting with Sabrina too and we went to Suntec K BOX. It's been like really long since I sang! There's some promotional price there so it ended up being real cheap on a weekend! =) But then we're forced to buy their drinks, which is like, $6 even for mineral water. Their water must have came directly from the river or something. Hais..singing emotional songs causes mood swings.

Peh and I saw a really interesting couple on our way home. There was this guy who was like really really tall and his girlfriend is just well, really short. But she wore platforms that are incredibly high just to match up and she still barely reached his neck height. She was limping too, because it's really difficult to walk in those heals of hers. But she didn't show any sign of pain. Kudos to her. That's the power of love. =)

My plan, to make myself occupied. I won't sit around and wait. It's just not going to happen.

Friday, May 15, 2009Y


Stupid Dr Go won't let me quit till July! I WANT TO QUITTTTT!!!

I want to eat pizza lunch express, sing k lunch, watch weekday movie, go somewhere other than orchard to shop and walk with old shoes without having to wipe the floor!!! Shit. As of now I can't even do that!

This is crazily frustrating! I'm going to go fix my Chip and Dale Puzzle. =) Yay!

The silence is excruciatingly deafening. I get it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009Y

Ughhh...I have totally no idea what to choose!!! Two more weeks till due date!!! Is anyone going to NUS FASS at all?!! =(

- How many times can the heart break till it shatters

Friday, May 01, 2009Y

Happy Labour Day!

The past few days were BAD! Especially on Thursday, someone made me really mad and I was throwing a tantrum because I seriously did nothing wrong and no one stood by me while I was being falsely accussed! I don't care that she apologised for ticking me off because she was just in a bad and tired mood. I hate it even more that I'm being taken as the punching bag whenever people are in a bad mood. Hello? Does it occur to them that I can feel hurt too? Someone told me to just let it go because when I don't smile, it's not me. Well fine, I must have been smiling too much because people take it for granted that they can continue 'playing' with me since I DON'T MIND. Even patience has it limits.

Drew this because I'm bored and angry and I want to kill someone!

Great that I'm taking leave from work tomorrow, because I've enough of shit from them.

When I needed someone to lend a listening ear, no one was there...

Phew, finally got an acceptance from nus. Yay, at least I'm safe, someone wants me!!! =) I'm still waiting for ntu though.

And I'm starting driving lessons officially this Thur! That is, after I get my PDL which I'm going to apply for tomorrow.

Don't give me this half-hearted attitude, you really didn't need to if you don't want to. I'm having doubts..