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Saturday, April 25, 2009Y

I HAVE NO VOICE!!! It's ridiculous, I've been sick for the entire week with the fever, sore throat, flu and just when I thought I'm fine today... I CAN'T TALK!! I was singing some song on the radio and my voice went way off key! Then I wanted to say 'oh my god' when I realise I sound like a cardboard when you scratch your fingernails on it. Ughhh this week is super horrible!!!

To Peh: Sorry for passing the flu virus to you! Hope your fever goes down soon. Get well! =)

Why hasn't ntu and nus given me any confirmation at all!?! I'm really getting paranoid from waiting. The whole week I've been going ,'Dad is there mail for me?!' and when he says no, I get upset and flu starts running down my nose and I get even more upset when I have to blow my nose because it's peeling and it hurts.

I'm going to keep myself busy next week. I have to keep myself occupied otherwise my mind will wander off again. Maybe I'll finally start on the driving thing I've been procrastinating! Thursday should be fun because MR VIP is coming again's PAY DAY! $$$$$ So maybe I could shop for a wallet to replace my disgusting one. Plus I could be tendering my resignation! Yes!! (I hope so..)

Thursday, April 16, 2009Y

Yesh! I killed a cockroach! Crazy colleagues ask me to kill a cockroach when I'm like, the younger one there while they are whining away. -.-

Days before the cockroach was already spotted. I wanted to kill it once, so I got Peh to fetch me rolls of newspaper/magazine, and she got me this: (the one on the top) What exactly am I suppose to kill with that?! Pathetic. So I asked her to pass me the entire huge magazine and I rolled it, and just when I'm about to kill the stupid bug, it disappeared....ARGHH. Angry.

But today was a different story!

Early in the morning I reached the clinic and Rayne was whispering to me, 'Inside pantry got cockroach! Go and catch!' What's with the whispering? Cockroach can hear ah? And I don't know why they think I should be the one catching the cockroach? As if I'm not disgusted by it?!

Then Sheila told me to quickly kill the cockroach without Dr Go hearing, otherwise he will think the pantry is dirty and get us to 大扫除 again!! After she asked me to get into the pantry, she shut the door on me!!! Nonsense! She trap me in the room with the cockroach! Frrreeaakk!

But I caught it this time! According to Sheila, it's still very loud when I hit it with the magazine. Whatever, I got rid of it didn't I? Hai! Should have taken a picture of it! (And frame it or something =D )

Peh says she saw a baby cockroach somewhere too and when it appears, I'm expected to kill it again. Agh! What am I now? Pest controller?

Ooohhh I REALLLLYYY hate my job! Point stated.

And I finally finished watching Boys Before Flowers! Sadded! Now I've got nothing to watch! But it's soooo sweet! Think I need to rewatch this sometime =)

And now I'm off to listen to the soundtrack!! Lalala~~