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Tuesday, February 24, 2009Y

It was an emotional day today, good and bad...

I'm glad I passed my BTT and met up with Wanzhen. That's all I have to be thankful for.

Everyone else today only made me confused, disappointed and angry at myself for allowing myself to think otherwise. I kept trying to think positive but I know that's probably stupid of me.

Haha, I know you'd probably hate my ambiguity, but I'm depressed ok! Deal with it.

If you didn't care, why bother, it makes it so hard for me.

Friday, February 20, 2009Y

Today was really fun! Met up with Ruoying and Charlene today after work together with Peh to watch the movie 'He's Just Not That Into You'.

Movie was NICE! Funny and romantic!

I was suppose to meet Char and Peh first before catching a quick dinner then to the movies, but I was stopped by FIVE surveyors and only ONE miserable me to fend for myself even though I kept telling them I didn't want to do their survey. Then they asked if I was Singaporean. So I thought I can just lie my way out of this and said that I was Msian. Then they were like,' really? You have no accent. Which part of Msia.' Damn it, can't I just lie if I want to? So after some time, I thought they were going to let me off after me lying throughout that I'm a Msian PR, studying at a Poly, and can't understand Chinese very well. They kept asking '你几岁?住哪里?' So I pretended and kept 'huh-ing' all the way since all of them kept asking in Chinese. BUT! One stupid other person appeared and said he could convey to me in English. ahhhhhhh...So bo bian, I have to do their stupid survey which took me 20min! Char and Peh left me 6 missed calls by then because they thought I was kidnapped. HAHA. Thanks for worrying about me! =)

After the movie, we went to, according to Ruoying, 'hang out' at Starbucks and we were sitting there chatting till 11pm before trying to leave Wisma and realising that all the entrances were closed except for one. It's super scary to leave the mall after closing hours, the lights are off and the escalators don't work and the place is almost empty! We even saw a cockroach and I was busy screaming...ok that's very idiotic. Ruoying says there are alot of rats at Orchard area and I'm like, if i ever saw one I'll be jumping and screaming at the same time.

Wow, just got word from Wanzhen that there's going to be yet ANOTHER class gathering. Oh Joy.'s NEVER going to happen. Don't blame me for throwing cold water, it's just not going to happen EVER.

I'm still contemplating if I should go cut my hair tomorrow. Shucks.

"I'm the exception"

"You're MY exception (Awwww...)"

Wednesday, February 18, 2009Y

Wanzhen makes me happy for nothing. I wanna go to Jason Mraz concert on 5 March. But that girl has to work! Ms Leeeeeeeeeeee!!! Take leave!!!! =D

Meanwhile I'm just going to youtube his music because I'm too cheap to buy his album. Haha.

Work is crap. I'm apparently a maid there. Plus I really can't stand my one of my colleague so much so that I got a little poster to paste on my bedside to remind me that this shit job will be over soon.

Basically she's called Rayne. I hate her. Therefore the poster. Wahhaha. I'm so childish.

Thursday, February 12, 2009Y

I'm in a really bad mood today.

Somethings are really not worth getting upset over, but you just do.

It's really tiring to put up with this.

Monday, February 09, 2009Y

Stupid Sissy! I HATE SISSIES!

I got onto the bus today behind this girl. Then this guy, who is dressed super gay-ly and spoke with a fake american accent, behind me said 'excuse me', apparently, to me. But I had no idea he was talking to me given that there are no eyes behind my back and how on earth was I suppose to know he and the girl before me were related? So I didn't answer him and what the hell did he do? He blowed my hair with his mouth! SHIT. That's manners for you. So I finally realise he was asking me to move so he could stand next to the girl. So fine, whatever, I let him in first.

Then there was another girl behind me, who is apparently, also related to that shit sissy. So I was walking to the back of the bus when the sissy turned around and realise that the girl was not behind him, and instead, to his dismay, was 'fresh-smelling hair' me. So he yelled to the girl,' come over here Sarah, just bang her (me).' Excuse me? Am I a pole?! I'll bang his head on a pole! He needs one badly. But, I'm patient, so I let the girl in too.

After a few stops, there was a seat right in front of me. The sissy took it and so one of the girls told him, 'you dare to sit there? Aren't you afraid you'll make her angry again?' SEee...even they know he is rude. And there he goes, acting all chummy with me, 'aww...did I make her mad?' Then he looks at me. And I lost it. I don't care if the bus were filled with people sleeping or that some of them were kay-poing about my situation. I told him, 'no, how could I be angry? It's love the assholes day.' And then I rolled my eyes and quickly got off the bus once I reached my stop.

Why are there such creeps?

Monday, February 02, 2009Y

Just read something on yahoo news which was quite funny. A man in Indonesia with an uncanny resemblance to the US president, Obama.

Really quite alike except for the skin tone. So they say there are 4 people in the world who looks exactly like you. Now it seems quite believable. Cool ~!

Today was pay day!!! Lalala. And this Friday will be going into an actual operation theatre to witness a jaw operation where my colleagues promised LOTS OF BLOOD! This is sooooo cool!! Haaha. It's like I'm shooting a channel 8 drama, except my colleagues say it's extremely smelly and boring. =( Nevermind!! It's a super nice experience! NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED!
Update on last week, PG and I went to watch Bride Wars!!
It's nice and funny! Plus it also highlighted the meaning of relationships. Something rather meaningful that the narrator said at the end of the movie was that 'the one that becomes the most important to you would be the one that's always there for you no matter what.' Simple. Nuff' said. =)
Company dinner this Thur! But working is really sickening, I need to be out. Ask me out people!! =D