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Monday, January 26, 2009Y

First Day!

Everyone woke up at 11 today! Haha. Can't believe we slept in till so late! So we rushed like mad to the temples and all. By 4, we were done and so went to JP to watch:

The Wedding Game! It's a super waste of time. Plus there was a crazy man beside me who laughs like it's the funniest show he's ever watched. And every moment when the camera zooms in on Fann Wong, he keeps whistling. Dots. Anyways, bought popcorn to entertain myself and GV had some promotion thingy and they gave 3 cows, money box cows that is....

And the body has 'Happy 牛 Year' written on it.

Afterwards was dinner at Swensens!

The fries are like super nice!

This is mine, some chicken baked rice thing. Er...still so-so i suppose. But then i had my favourite banana split! And that makes it all better =)

Yum Yum!

Seafood Black Pepper spaghetti! Mummy and Bro had this! Daddy had steak, which he wouldn't allow me to take a picture of because he says he doesn't want people to know he's eating a cow on new year's day. Haha, well too bad, I'm saying it.

Think there's more visiting tomorrow. Hais...update soon...

Sunday, January 25, 2009Y

Happy CNY !!!!

Gosh it's like 2am and I'm not asleep. I'm going to go visiting tomorrow with heavy eyebags! Ah well, not tired anyways.

This year lacks the festive mood, although I'm not sure why. I don't even feel like going out to get ang baos tomorrow. Even reunion dinner was boring. Same steamboat, same dishes, same 'everyone watching tv, no one's talking' senario. My life is a boring hell every year....=(

Just chatted with Ailing about our jobs. She's enjoying hers so much and eagering telling me what she learnt from it. Strangely, when she asked me, I thought of nothing. So I lamely answered that I learnt how to use phones? Bah! If it's anything, I learnt that education is important, otherwise you'll end up with a super mudane, low-pay job like a receptionist. -.-

But I'm still looking forward to Wednesday! Some big shot (can't say who) is coming to the clinic, supposedly armed with many bodyguards! This is going to be so cool! When I answered the call from his secretary, I got so excited, which is stupid given that I have no idea who he is. But I asked pehgek, 'Do you think Prince William comes here too?' Which I'm secretly hoping he is because my job needs excitement...haha.

Kays, ta! I'm off to get whatever is left of beauty sleep. AngBaos, here I come!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009Y

It's Sunday MORNING!! =)))) No work today! =D Just returned home from dinner with the girls. Alicia and I are anti-foodcourt so we ate at pastamania at erm..lot 1?
While talking with them, it feels like time passed really fast. Most of us are busy with our new jobs, some of us schooling. It's so weird that we're actually talking about pay, expenses, travelling fees and CPF?!!! Haha, we're in working class now!

To Carina, don't feel left behind ok? Do what you need to do, and don't get too stressed out yea? 加油加油!

(Yikes, mommy caught me online this late. She says,' Tomorrow I'm going to have a good talk with you about your disgusting habit of sleeping late.' -.- For heaven sake, it's like...Sunday? Gimme a break...)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009Y

Whoohoo! I change skin AGAIN. Hee.
Update on weekends, my blog is still alive!! =D