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Sunday, November 30, 2008Y

I made a blogskin!! =D If there is any problem with the layout tell me kays? It looks fine on my com...^^

Next week, everyone's going for prom...I'm stuck at home...=( And I've got no plans for the entire week...people please call me out!!

But my dentist said I'm going to have to remove all my wisdom tooth eventually...hais...以后再说. Braceless teeth!!! =DD

Tuesday, November 25, 2008Y

I've been going out for the past few days and my legs are killing me. But I'm happy to be finally going out! Today was outing at Bugis with Peh and Lei. Lei bought her prom dress and her pretend glasses and another top. Peh got a top, and I got nothing. Haha. Picky picky me. We took neoprints too, like old times. Stupid machine gave us ugly pics.

Going out with wanzhen tmr for buffet! Gosh I'm going to get fatter.
I really really need a job!! Anyone going to find one tell me okay? Need company. Hee..I'm such a coward.

Friday, November 21, 2008Y

Did I mention that

Hohoho!! Finally its the holidays! Its funny, but I feel at a sudden lost at what to do now. Haha, been so preoccupied with studies that now without it, I'm kinda bored. -.- (欠打) The day of Bio, I didn't have anyone to go out with. Even till today I'm still stuck at home. very sad life. No friend. That's ok, next week I've got some activities planned! Yesh! Finally I got a chance to get out. Meanwhile, I'm getting hooked on anime!!

70 episodes and 2 movies 0f Cardcaptor Sakura. 24 episodes of Lovely Complex. Both are super super nice!! I'm like super addicted to Jap stuff and I'm going to find more to watch.
Probably going to get a job, anyone has offers, please call me to join!!!
Sat- Outing with mummy and brother
Mon- Sending sister off to hongkong and then shopping
Tue- Shopping with pehpeh and lei
Wed- Buffet with Wanzhen
Must make myself busy...