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Friday, October 03, 2008Y

Having a really bad day...

The bus was really late and needless to say, so were we. So we had to run all the way to school, and even upon entering the school gate, Cameron Yau wants to have a running competition with us. -.- Early morning PE...

During Lit, we were given back our final paper. Someone wasn't happy that I won him, and made a stupid big fuss. Jealous much. Then he still went on to sabotage me later. I am so hating him.

I had a slight stomach cramp. But I knew it was going to get worse so I decided to just sign out of school and miss GP and Bio. I still had strength to go all the way to Lot 1, but after that I wasn't seeing right, I think I'm about to faint. So I decided to take taxi. At the taxi stand, there was 3 people in front of me, without a taxi in sight. So I was feeling tremendously painful and went to ask the people in front of me if I could cut their queue. And by this time I was perspiring cold sweat and looking as pale as a ghost.

1st person ( Sergent Rank Army Personale): Stupid blind people, how can grant this stupid person a sergent rank when he is soooo selfish. I ask, and he didn't even think, and just said ,'NO.' So much for serving the nation.

2nd person: Couldn't understand English, and I simply had no strength to play charades with her.

3rd person ( I hate her the most): There I was at the brink of fainting, and I pleaded with her to let me in front of her. And she gave the world's most ridiculous excuse. That she has to go home to COOK. My god, what? One taxi later your food will rot is it? When she is pregnant, and her waterbag burst and she asks me to let her in front, I can also tell her cannot, I need to go home to cook. -.- Damn her cooking la!

The poor taxi driver was trying to cheer me up when I finally got a taxi, but I simply had no strength to entertain him. I asked him if $8 was enough to get me to Yew Tee. Then he laughed and said," I'll be happy if you give me all" And I thought nothing of it, I just 'orh.' Then he said," nono, I meant $8 is more than enough.' And I only ,'orh' again. Lol. Then I realise he was making a joke and I quickly apologise, saying that I was unwell. So he told me he will drive faster to get me home and make it cheap. =D Uncle is the best lor. In the end its $5. Phew.

Thing is, I reach home and I really fainted. Hais...stupid monthly routine of fainting.

So then I heard from my friend that the idiotic Someone went to GP class and told Ms Chong that I delibrately pon her lesson. What shit! He's just not happy that I won him in both his forte subs, GP and Lit, stupid attitude he gives me. Sore loser. Luckily Ms Chong didn't believe him. Hmph, please, your stupid lies cannot tarnish my good reputation. (Lol)