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Sunday, September 21, 2008Y

Ok I'm back to blog a little...

Something happened which made me very sad these few days, been pretty beat up and I really don't feel like thinking about it anymore. Its stupid to just keep on crying about things that you know will never change, and keep having false hopes that some miracle might happen. Not worth it, and I just want to get rid of this...

Ok, so to occupy myself and not think about upsetting stuff, I watched movies and dramas!!

On friday immediately after school, I went with Pehgek, Sabrina and Ruiwen to causeway mac for brunch and then sab had to leave then QinLei came and we watched:

It was super impromptu for me, didn't plan to watch this show at all. But well, I didn't want to go home after exams so I thought I might as well just watch. And....its sooooooo nice! Ok the plot was lame, like totally impossible in the real world unless you're mighty rich! But the meaning was there, about dreams...about trust. Its just so touching and funny throughout the movie. Not to mention the lead was sooo cute. He looks kinda like the actor who acted as Soshi in Absolute Boyfriend:

Top: Absolute Boyfriend ..............................Bottom: Hana Yori Dango

Don't they look similar! Both so cute too!! <3

So then I got super addicted and rushed home to watch Hana Yori Dango 1 and I finished the entire series in a day. Freak.

And another brilliant show that I've watched:

L is sooooo awesome!! Should totally watch this, plus it make you think! Makes me feel like watching all the death note movies all over again.

I many Jap shows? But its sooo nice!! Jdramas are like sooo cool. Plus the actors can actually act...-.-

Then I decided to watch english movies for a change and I watched two amanda bynes, typical chick flicks.

Sydney White was kinda like a spin off from Snow White, which was pretty cool I guess. What A Girl Wants was alot nicer, and funnier.

And then I watched another classical spin off: Another Cinderella Story

Its actually quite nice! Its totally not the same from A Cinderella Story by Hilary Duff, this one has got to do with dancing, which is really nice! Plus Selena Gomez and Drew Steely are soo cute together!

And then the suicidal movie for me...of all shows I shouldn't have watched this one given my lousy mood.

It was sooooooo touching. Actually it's pretty Korean Drama-ish. Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy. Boy had terminal disease and had no choice but to break up with girl. Girl doesn't understand the sudden change in feeling but was helpless. Falls in love with another boy later but realise the one she really loves was her first love. Typical huh. But I was crying alot given the already sad state that I'm in. It's actually worth watching again.
I think I will watch Hana Yori Dango 2 next, just to make myself laugh. Such a freak I am. Haha.
Next Tue will be celebrating Char's birthday. Good, at least I can go out with friends and get ready for Wed when we go back to school and face stinky results. Plus I need the extra courage to face someone...don't know if I can do it...