Wednesday, July 16, 2008Y
And I thought PW was over. Apparently, we have to write our own testimonial to
'claim ownership'. Er...thanks...
This so reminds me of PW, need to do drafts, get it vetted and all, except worse...I have to
self-praise, exaggerate, make semi false claims. Its practically sinning! I guess writing JC testimonial is probably a factor for why so many people suffer from schizophrenia since I have to write in 3rd person narrative.
I can't even stand people who are like that!So I'm still thinking of adjectives that are commendable yet subtle, which adds up to nothing because every word gives me goosebumps. And then the brillant idea, I'm going to copy words from my sec 4 testimonial. Ha, I lack creativity seriously.
Whoa, I did 282 hrs of cip during my sec school days? And erm...I can't even churn out 100 hours in JC. Brilliant. I hate JC. Why can't they use my sec 4 testi instead! You'd think employers will know JC = no life and the testimonial don't mean a thing? I was think of including that I'm a maths rep and then i remembered that some maths teacher who I've been offering my services to for the past 6 months doesn't even realise I'm his maths rep. This is how significant I am.
By the way, I've gone idiotic. I actually deleted Microsoft Word from my PC at a time like this! How am I going to write a testi without Word? Any kind soul wants to lend me theirs? =D
First week of school is over...
I received most of my results, except for one paper of Lit. Umm, kinda disappointed. I think I am stressing myself too much. I did improve, but then others did too, and theirs is a much bigger jump. So how come I'm still so slow? Then when some subjects improve, others deteriorate. So sickening, study so hard but no results. Plus, all the H2 subs are going to have banding. I'm so going to lose out compared to those in the better bandings.
Oh well, what to do, still have to carry on this stressful studying at least till the A levels. My mom was like, ' why is your chem not improving even though you have tuition?! I'm going to fire her (my tutor)' I mean, my tutor is not the best around, but she's not that bad. So my mom thinks its my tutor that is lousy since I'm studying like mad for my chem, so guilty...I don't even know if I should defend her though, because for a tutor, she's really not that good... =x
I'm suppose to have a class outing next friday ( shock, my class?) but....I am going back to kss for gb farewell!!! Which is weird, cos going back there, I'm going to know none of the juniors anyway, so I don't see a point, aside from the fact that we're going to visit ms leong, and gossip among free food...?
End of the marking-period holidays le. Aiyee..can count as finally being able to watch shows, go shopping, slack without feeling guilty.
Never really go out much la, since not feeling well anyway. Its okay, I ended up at home being some drama addict, I told myself before the exams that Zettai Kareshi was going to be my last drama, cannot distract myself le. And then here I am, after exams, busy getting hooked onto another show: 命中注定我爱你 Haha. Must blame those who keep telling me is nice, (but really very nice xD)
Zettai Kareshi

My two very very nice dramas. =)
Tomorrow have to go back to school. Should be getting back most of our results ba. Somehow I just know I'm not going to do well. Can only hope its not too bad...
Exams finally ended...but I'm not happy... =(