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Friday, May 30, 2008Y

So before anyone thinks my blog is dead....

Firstly, I am so guilty. I made excuses for the Lit camp today. Technically its not a total lie, because I did in fact, have tuition tomorrow, just that I could easily change it, which I am not about to. To think I just decided never to pon stuff again. But then again, Lit camp was a total waste of my time. There was this supposedly trip to the Botanics but it rained, so we came back to school, did some random poem recitation in which I acted as a TREE, had disgusting food as dinner, and went through lit text which lasted 20 minutes for ONE question. So yah, I rather come home to my warm bed =)

Lit exams today was bad, bad, bad. I didn't get the main gist of the poems, so i probably would fail that. Pride and prejudice was done without quotes because I didn't have time to search for any. My only comfort was Othello, but then again, this is my first attempt on doing an essay question on this book, so I may have screwed up anyhow. Basically, I am so dead. If I pass, I'm going to pray at si ma lu. (For real)

Oh yes, must upload some pics we took on BBQ day on tue! So nice to have a gathering, takes me away from my usual detestable class. Looked at super old photos of us in the past, which was super hilarious. (Hor pehgek?) Can't wait till after the exams to do even more catching up.

Of course there is alot more pics, but my then my fringe is starting to look more like soggy french fries because of the oil. So nope, not going to show my 'glamourous' self.

Friday, May 23, 2008Y

1 paper down! 4 more to go!

Screwed up GP paper today. Did the question where I'm suppose to comment on how the government's introduction of the english language has impacted life and culture of Singapore. And stupid me stated that English is Singapore's national language. I'm so going to get an earful from Ms Chong. I believe I'm also blind for not seeing that we had to state local examples for AQ and I went on blabbling about Myanmar. Gosh...I can be so dumb.

GSS has begun and I dying to go out amidst all the studying. I need a bag, shoes and clothes! Lol. So materialistic. This holiday, I plan to:
  1. Go for the BBQ!! ( which I haven't paid for =P )
  2. Do class cip
  3. Study ( not last min!!! )
  4. Shopping!!!
  5. Accomplish one art piece for my deviantart account
  6. Attend all remedials/ camps ( no more ponning! )

For this week, I just plan on fully recovering. Stupid nose block is depriving me of oxygen supply and I'm getting major headaches every now and then. The porridge I eat 3 times a day isn't helping either. Plus there's mini cornettos in the fridge that I swear if I don't get my hands on it soon, it will just disappear. I sound really bad now, losing my voice occasionally. I can't even sing songs!!! =( Sad.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008Y

and thus I conclude:


Yesh! Finished chem skill A today! Hope everything goes well (cross fingers). One more test to go for this week. Sian...hope it goes well.