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Saturday, April 26, 2008Y

I hate what I'm having to go through now...

I know what's been said about me, some true, some fabricated. I just hope all will pass soon and, to you: please grow up. Thanks for those who know me well enough to not believe those lies and stood by me. To those who didn't give me a chance to explain, I have nothing more to say to you.

Today was doing revision and my mom just popped by and said," you look dead." Don't know why that statement bothered me so much. So I grabbed the mirror and was damn sad la. I have dark rings around my eyes ( like really dark), then multiple white hairs, and breakouts. AAArrgghhh....A levels is driving me crazy!!! I need sleep!!! BEAUTY SLEEP!

Difficult times...but I'm going to pull through...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008Y

Damn scared.

Ponned Gp enrichment today. And Charlene had to go tell me that ponning will mean us having to see Usha. -_- kill me already. Ah well, I have half the school for companion.

Saw Ms Leong today. She really is no change. She was walking and talking to herself? Then she started to talk about how we should go back and help out in GB. Hais...miss those days...

Fire drill today was super horrible. They on purpose or what, choose such a scorching day to hold the fire drill, after my PE summore. So basically, its sweat after sweat. Ah least I missed GP.

Pray hard for me tomorrow. I shall take a step into freedom! =)

P.S: My daddy is being super nice. Lol. Randomness, but I just find his way of expressing his concern kinda weird. least he tried...

Monday, April 07, 2008Y

Down in the Dumps...

I don't know why these problems spring up all of a sudden. It's like this whole situation is dumped on me all at once. I have no idea what am I going to do...I just know I don't like it.

I have people lying to me, people who suddenly became this whole other person that I don't even know anymore. Then there are those who act as if I'm their no 1 best friend when I hardly know them. People who ignore me like I've offended them ( I have no idea if I did ).

During choir today, Ms Ong told us to sing without scores and to focus, which meant really paying attention to OURSELVES. But I fumbled and lost myself amidst the singing, so I was glancing at the scores in front of me. And Ms Ong thought I was busy looking at others and not paying attention to my own singing, so she stopped the entire choir to single me out.

"You, do you even want to sing? Why are you looking at other people for?!"

No. I don't want to sing, I have to. And I don't think there is anyone in front of me to look at anyway. Why does she even care about me? A miserable MEMBER? I'm trying to get it right and yet I'm accused of not focusing. Yes, It was wrong of me to sidetrack, but then again, if I had stopped singing halfway, I would have gotten reprimanded anyway. I'm so tired of this....

As if JC isn't enough a struggle as it is, now I've got CCA and friends to be burdened with. Zaleena said in class today that stress only makes us prepared for the final battle. I don't think I can even last through half of it...

Because of your lies, I see the truth...and it hurts...