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Monday, March 31, 2008Y

I can't believe my luck. For two FREAKIN days, I had to be so suay as to take the 985 trainee bus in the morning. The bus driver wasn't accustomed to the 'pioneer bus stop' and pioneers, in one of the teacher's words, though that the 'bus was owned by their grandfathers' and didn't bother pressing the bell. So for the second time, the bus overshot the bus stop and we all had to walk all the way back, inevitably, ended up late.

Then there was this super annoying woman on the bus. At every single stop, she just had to complain about students not moving into the bus to allow more people up. I mean, yea, it's really the students who are at wrong, but did she have to keep on repeating herself at EVERY stop, not to mention her giggling away when she realised we were all late. (Btw, she looks like a fool complaining to herself, when no one is listening to her constant chatter -.-)

Got back chem paper today. I guess I should be happy I passed since I slacked on this subject the most. Guess I gotta work harder. The shock: Ms Chan actually wrote NICE stuff about me this time, lol. I guess she doesn't hate me that much yet.

As for Lit, I passed!!! =D Fourth in class too! I am soooo super proud of myself!

The happiest moment of all....
We MIGHT have a change in GP teacher!!!
LIKE FINALLY!?!! Lata has to give up one, out of her 3 classes and I'm praying real hard it's going to be ours. Like, I can already feel myself improving! Lol. Exaggeration...then again...the new one may not be as nice, but i'd rather try my luck!

Friday, March 28, 2008Y

I passed LIT!!! (unseen)
Lol. It's just like, half the paper, which is just the poem. But I have never passed this shitty sub for this whole year. And I finally did! Thank god I'm no longer taught by Beh...or I can just keep on failing...
the stupid prose better not pull me down....stupid P&P
I also passed Bio. Yay! Put in alot of effort, only manage to pass with E grade. Hais...nvm, 再接再厉!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008Y

Day one of term 2: Okay lor...

Got another pressie today! Hurray! =D
Loved all my presents this year! Thanks!

Lotsa LOVE!! 4D peeps! ( PehGek, Ruoying, Charlene, Alicia, Carina) , QinLei (although her pressie isn't here, sorry! its hanging on my bag =) ), Ruiwen, Catherine (Super duper love your wallet!), Wan Zhen and XinHui for the earpiece, Jon (puzzle still incomplete) and my ultra sweet Daddy!! (PSP!!!!)

Kays..back to more solemn stuff. Results today were kinda two-sided I guess. So happy about my maths, which of course, still could have been done better. But I'm contented! Check out Mr Chua's stamp. Lol. Super ancient, but quite cute.

On the other hand, chem mcq sucked real bad. I would go nuts if I'm ever going to pass chem at all. Heard GP wasn't too fantastic either. Highest for vocab is a 1.5?!! uplifting.

Friday, March 14, 2008Y

I am just so dead....

Went with Pehgek to BP to study today and I realise my study room is even more distracting than the food court. Anyways, I ordered strawberry kisses! (kiss kiss!) and it was yummy! Ice makes me happy!

And pehgek was super scary. I was at comics connection trying to find out the price for a memory stick. The staff were all apparently busy chit chatting away, failing to notice that I'm waiting for their oh-so-important conversation to end. Then Peh got pissed that they are not serving us, and she said," excuse me..." which, given her flu cum ear block, sounded normal to her. But! To us it sounded like she was shouting! The guy got so shocked and thought peh was being rude. His face was soooo black. The entire shop got echo when peh shouted. HAha. Scary woman la she.

The memory stick cost $79...daylight robbery. Sponsers anyone? =D

Wednesday, March 12, 2008Y

Update: Char forgot my birthday. i am so upset. lol. but since she dedicated her PM to me for 10 mins, i shall forgive her.

Finally, my blog awakes from its 100 years of sleep. Haha. Sorry to those who nag at me to update.

Today's moi saddest 18th Birthday! Can't believe I have to spent my day mugging AT HOME...sadded. On the other hand, thanks to those who remembered my birthday!

(in no particular order) : SweeKee, Samson, Ruyin, PehGek, Sheena, Ruoying, Muqminah, Keane, Wanzhen, Xinhui, Catherine, Nicole, Weilun, Yiling, Seong May, Chenchen, QinLei, Chia Mint, Ziyan, Jonathan and one more..i forgot who..oh dear..forgive me.

My birthday cake! =D Loved those who gave me pressies. Thanks!

Daddy gave me a PSP. Lol. I'm spoilt rotten. Plus, is damn distracting! I MUST FOCUS!