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Wednesday, January 09, 2008Y

Char: Fine fine! Im updating!^^

Today is the 9/1 and my very first post in 2008. I can already feel that it is going to be one heck of a year. Suddenly there is this stress of importance on testimonials and there is no such thing as 'still in holiday mood' for jc2s.

Choir is still getting on my nerves, it is a heavy burden right now. As if the stress of A levels isnt bad enough...(im no longer idolising her, she is just a two-face hypocrite)

I just became maths rep today. Yucks, I have to be under chua poh teck. Im just damn unlucky. Maths is like the ONLY subject that still have to purchase notes from the bookshop (which means i have to deal with the money) and also the only subject that needs to take attendance. Good thing I still as wan zhen as co-maths rep. I think Im going to dread this. They say being the rep of any subject will motivate us to work especially hard for that subject. Er...I guess Im the exception. -.-

But my chem teacher cum CT is so much better this year. She knows her stuff and we get to copy model answer^^ But she is kinda strict and super fast with her explanation. Hopefully I can catch up with the pace soon.

I need to buy premium coffee! One year to go! I can do it!