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Wednesday, November 28, 2007Y

I am VERY VERY VERY tired at the moment. But the evil ry won't spare me till I blogged about today! I hope you're happy ry! (oh why must I owe her 8 bucks...)

GB chalet was today. But before that, ruoying, ziyan and I went to the Cathay to watch ENCHANTED!!! Super duper nice! So dreamy....(-I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss....- damn I need to find the lyrics. lols) What I wouldn't give to have rats cleaning up my toilet! Must go watch people! I swear I'll get the cd when it comes out! =)

Then we went downtown, all the way to Pasir Ris. Damn far. Peh Gek joined us. A pity Laiyan couldn't come though. Nice to see some of the juniors growing up now. Makes me wonder how time flies by so fast. Seeing people like Weishan being more mature now freaks me out. I guess experiences do make us grow. Not that its not a good thing...


Erhs.. what's with weishan's pose...

Our satay sticks!

Yeps. That's about it. ZZzz....sleepy. Loved today! my ever ever after ~

Monday, November 26, 2007Y

I want to blog about so many things! But I can't. Stupid parents idea.
I want to do my holiday homework, but I can't either. Its not an excuse ok! I lost my entire holiday file! Now I have no idea what to do. Guess I gotta wait till everyone is back from their overseas trip or work, then I can borrow from them. I only have my maths assignment with me now. But its so damn difficult! =(

Yay! GB chalet tomorrow. Forced to bring the camera. Hopefully I bring myself to upload it or people will kill me!

Friday, November 16, 2007Y

My new favourite idol: Ms Toh!

Oh god, she rocks my socks!

Its like she totally understands what I'm going through. Even if she doesn't really accomplish what she promises she will, whatever she had said today really calmed me down alot. At least she makes things easier for me to accept. Rather than the erhem..who purposely wants to make things difficult for me.

I hope she manages to do whatever she said she wants to do. It would really help everyone as a whole. I shall term her the peacemaker. I love her to bits now! For now its a compromise, I hope I will come to accept things later on.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007Y

Yesterday went to Kbox with Ry and Char. Haha. 3 people, pathetic I know. Had lunch at cafe cartel with some lunch hour special. Not very worth the money though, even though I had the biggest portion =p

Just to relieve our childhood moments, we went to sing 单眼皮女生 by 中国娃娃. Oh god, there was this thai verse that none of us were able to sing! So it sounded super awful and we exploded into laughter. Super funny. I can't believe we actually sang that stupid song!!


I don't understand what is it that you have against me. Did you really think your subtle hints don't have an effect on me? I am not that clueless. You are just trying to put on this whole facade that you are able to get along with everyone. I'll tell u this, if you are not happy with me, you come straight to the damn point, beating about the bush is just gonna make me hate you more, especially when the things you say are so hurtful.

And you, why do I get this feeling that I've just been used? Have you never been a kid? I suppose whatever your intentions are, they are most important. It doesn't matter to you what we are going through, as long as you get what you want. There are things more important to us than your event. You think we haven't gave it any thought before coming to you? We are trying to come up with a peaceful solution, yet you think of us as a hindrance; even going as far as to forcing us to retreat. We did whatever we had to for the whole one year faithfully, and now we need a partial rest, but you cannot give that to us? Did you think how much this would affect us? What is the use of you using this method on us? Forcing us to stay? And what good would that do? Our hearts aren't there. Is that ok with you? That we do things against our wishes so long as you get what you want? Thats only being selfish. You just make us look down on you.

Friday, November 09, 2007Y

YES!! I've made it! Whoots!

Promotion~! Promotion~! I can't believe I actually made it. the moderation was super heavy and all. Best thing is, wanzhen and xinhui made it too. So next year will be the four of us again! I seriously don't know how they did it. From the supposedly 300+ to be kicked out, 100 to be retained, to the now 100+ kicked out cum retained. Kua Zhang or what?

I had fun tricking so many people today. I think they want to kill me. I went to tell them I couldn't promote. Funny. My mom got so worried and my Dad was like, telling me its ok.

Attempted to talk to Ms Toh today. Shucks, not working. Got to try other methods. =(

Went to sakae today, free meal by Mr Lee. Very guilty and pressuring meal. Its like, obviously its kinda expensive and we're worried Mr Lee would freak out. He kept looking at what was being served to our tables. Scary ok.

Then we went to my house to play mahjong, swim, suana. Lol. A couple of Tai-Tais.

Just finished watching Ratatouille on VCD. Nice. And now I have the sudden urge to do maths. Freaky.

Can I just add... I WANNA GO SHOPPING!

Thursday, November 08, 2007Y


Ok...a few more hours till judgement day. Promoted/Retained? Its like, the very moment my name is called to be assigned to a specific LT, I would somewhat know my outcome. How scary is that!!! Plus! My choir and free lunch all depends on tomorrows results. I MUST have my free lunch!! =) yea yea..kiasu i know..

Oh yea. Yesterday there was this super huge cockroach in my room lah. Its about, I kid you not, 8cm big. I was like screaming my head off. My whole room smelt of baygon but that thing was super uneffective lah (reminds me of my ipw in sec 2) then my maid eventually caught it with her hands. YUCK! That is majorly disgusting. Don't know how she even dared to touch it. EWW...

My sis is insane, she's addicted to my choir song, Bohemian (or whatever you spell it). She keeps singing it! What is wrong with her?! I'd gladly let her take my place since she likes it so much. Blech! =P

If you have a problem with me, spit it out. What's your bloody point, showing that face at me? Am I suppose to feel this sudden surge of guilt that I will beg for your forgivness? Fat chance! I'm not enjoying a single moment of this and you're not making it any better. Count yourself lucky that I even put up with it.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007Y

Sobs..wasted trip today. Went out with Catherine to Vivo today. Lets see...about 8 hours there, bought nothing... Haha. Nevermind lah, at least I got to go out. =)

I don't understand why you have to act pathetic to gain our sympathy. Please do some reflection on why we act like we are now. If you think we have nothing better to do than listen to you harp on how important it is, you are bloody wrong. Unlike you, we have a life...

Friday, November 02, 2007Y

Yea yea...went for Choir today...ridiculous. Now they are implementing the solo singing thing. What are they trying to do? Scare us into submission? It's just making me dread choir more and more. Dare me to shout I HATE CHOIR...because I will, and you'll owe me money! =D
There are some important decisions I have to make...gotta do it fast! wanted to go shopping and getting my hair cut with the gals' but the stupid choir ruined it all for me. This is so depressing. I need my shopping! Then there is the whole, pool-kbox thing. Arghhh! I want to have fun! Not waste my time away singing some dumb, boring songs...

Damn...mummy's asleep. If not I would have begged her to bring me shopping tomorrow...

Thursday, November 01, 2007Y

*Sigh of relief* It's finally all over...

I think I spoke like a bullet train today. Peh gek was trying to slow me down with her hand signs and all, but I really could not control my speed. Hais..Im so hopeless. And of ALL things...what are the odds seriously..that in one class, three groups, and yet, one group is doing the exact same topic as us! Whoa, it really freaked us out when we saw them present.
But I think we did better. Lols.

Good. No more PW, no more internal conflict...Im so sick of this.

Tomorrow going out to swim! Haha. Yay!