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Friday, September 28, 2007Y

Days of fun offically starts TODAY!!!

YESH!! Went out shopping with pehgek today. Omigod..I can't believe that crazy girl. This is the first time...FIRST TIME AH throughout the four years that I know her, that I actually see her spending over a HUNDRED dollars on shopping!!! Freako! I didn't even spent half her amount can!

Initially went to AMK hub to shop on pehgek's idea that it sounds good to shop. In the end pehgek only got herself a skirt and I got myself a yoghurt. Yah. lame. So we went to Bugis.

At first we just walked aimlessly...till peh gek saw jeans that were super cheap lah! Wah...liu kou shui. Its like two jeans for $40! Bargains much! Then we both bought necklaces from Diva. There was this China lady working in Diva who intially came to us and told us there was a storewide discount of 20%. But her accent was funny and she took a really long time to complete her sentence. Which you can't really blame her lah. But! While we were looking around, she came by AGAIN and told us the exact same thing! Peh Gek and I were like, okay lah, since she is trying so hard, we shall bear with it and listen to her. Which is actually more xin ku than you think. In the end we burst out laughing lah. Very bad I know.

Then we went to Albert OG. Wah. Quite nice to shop! I saw this mickey mouse shirt which is $32.90. Then I was holding on to the price tag and told pehgek," Omigod..I don't dare to look" Eventually I turn over the price tag and saw OFFER: $9.85 Whoo hoo! Bonus for me! Who cares if its old stock! Hurray for clearance sale!

Yup! That's basically what I bought today!

Then we both went home via MRT. We saw a very cute scene. At cityhall, someone got off their seat and this little boy came rushing for the seat. Then he called out to his little brother to come and take the seat. So cute lah! Then he gave up his mp3 to his little brother to make him happy. He ask his little brother what he wants and the brother said, " I want a telephone" and the boy said," okok. Next time kor kor buy for you ok?" So adorable! Until....

yah...I won't say lah. Quite disgusting. Peh gek should know what I'm talking about. I choose not to see the disgusting part lah, rather see his cute side. WAH!! I shall not imagine that sight!

My soles hurt alot now. I shall be a good girl and stay home tomorrow, looking forward to the muffins that my mom shall buy for me from tanjong pagar after her facial. Goodie!

Mummy was in a very very bad mood yesterday and scolded everyone in the house. I was very very angry with her yesterday for using me to vent her anger. But today, I decided that instead of being angry with her, I shall make her happy! Haha. I bought food from old chang kee for her. Simple $2.20 spent but it made her day. =) I feel all snuggly~

Oh yah..pehgek..cheer up kay! I'm always behind you! =)

Thursday, September 27, 2007Y

And thus I conclude.....:

And I shall gloat in your face!!! Apparently PJC is like super early! I know JCs that haven't even start their promos!!! Whoo hoo!!!

Today took the last of my papers: Bio. Sucks lah, just like the rest of my other papers. But I shall not harp on that. Like I want to think about exam stuff when I can do other things like giving myself a manicure. (yes, im serious)

My poor nails are suffering throughout the study fest. And my dead skin is accumulating under my cuticles. Did i mention i had internal bleeding in my nails so it looks like some shit is stuck under my nails now since it already harden up to form this brownish ugly thing.

Don't know why, but my sister is bugging me right now and she won't leave me alone till I put her name on my blog. (Which is utterly random-ness) So fine....

MISS NG SHU HUI, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!!! NOW DISAPPEAR!! back to ME. ( deal with it)

Things I shall do before Dooms Day:

1. Get my pedicure/ manicure
2. Get my haircut
3. INTENSE SHOPPING ( dramatic music at the back)
4. Attempt to smuggle the small tv into my room so I can play my PS2 (wah ha. geek fest)
5. Draw till my hands drop off
6. Go swimming
7. Go play mahjong / pool (with Charlene - the jinx)
8. Go Kbox
9. Go beach (the sun, the sky....the sand...)
10. SLEEP <--lack of this made the panda UN-endangered

yeah yeah...alot to do. Hence....I shall pon school on FRIDAY!!! It amazes me how happy I get when I do bad stuff. That gives me a total of 9 days of holiday!!! NINE glorious days!!!!! *muacks!!!!!*

My sister is now prattling away. She is such a irritating pest.

TOO PEH GEK, I WANT MY SHOPPING TRIP. You owe me big time!

Dumb ass school wants to kill us with the PW workshops. Yeesh...thus..I shall now go find my white nailpolish and spend the whole day painting my toenails while my sister is growing increasingly jealous at my freedom. Did I mention FREEDOM?!!!