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Tuesday, July 31, 2007Y

OMG!!! This is freaking me out!! Today, after such a long time...I saw Mr. Gardenia...yes, I did not spelt it wrong..I really meant this:Probably only ruoying knows what i mean. Its this Indian man (not being racist here) who wears this yellow polo top who was last seen last year, he only appears in the night and he always carry a bag of gardenia bread. He is a lunatic (Seriously), but I've never seen him hurt anyone, so i thought well..he was harmless. Then, eventually, I never saw him again. Till now.

Had to stay back to finish up my PW work, so went home near 10. Then as I went up the escalator of my overhead bridge, I saw Mr. Gardenia running back and forth the overhead bridge in this awkward manner and then he will suddenly stop to stroke, (yes, stroke!) the rubbish bins and the handle of the stairs. I thought he would just continue doing this running back and forth thing again and again so I thought nothing of it and continued walking. Then at that very moment I walked past him, he suddenly stopped and stared at me lah! Scared the shit out of me. So I picked up my pace and walked faster, and he followed me, running of course, so he caught up very fast and he actually followed me down the stairs!!!

I saw this woman in front of me so I made a run for it in case anything happens, while occasionally turning back. And I saw the looney running after me lah! I kept praying to myself that he doesn't catch up and I manage to reach behind the woman where I finally stopped and turned around. He wasn't there anymore.

Being followed in the eerie night is one thing. Being followed by a lunatic in the eerie night brings scary up a whole new level! I hope its my 5 cups of coffee that caused a hallucination, otherwise I'm gonna be super traumatised.

I swear if I ever go home this late, I would have my phone in my hands, with my dad's number on standby mode.

Thursday, July 26, 2007Y

I can't believe Mr Lee called my parents!!! Freak! I never got a call from a teacher before!!! Spoil my beautiful record!!! Ugghh..and he claims i failed bio and passed chem? Huh? I swear its opposite. Damn, I shall clarify it tomorrow...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007Y

Date: 11 June 2007

I watched HARRY POTTER and the order of the Pheonix (faster than you! hahaha)

warning: major spoilers ahead!

I'd say lucky my ticket is free, completely not worth the money!

The plot was such a rush, it was like 3 semester in just 30mins alone. I couldn't catch up, I was like, huh? why they have another holiday so fast?

The only thing worth mentioning was....there were snippets of CEDRIC!!!! Not that it was much..but still..hais...

I like the acting of Unbridge though, she is soooo pinky-ful! The only thing funny was when Hermoine said Ron's emotional range was the size of a teaspoon.

Shan't say too much, won't want to influence/ or agitate fans. In any case you won't catch me watching it again any time soon...

Friday, July 06, 2007Y

Haix...stupidly failed bio which is rather expected. Still contemplating if I should tell my mom. I need 0.6marks more to get an A for chinese. What luck!

Was almost late for school today, ran into school with the gate slamming right into my arm. Was that ouch or what. Promos in september I hear. Gotta buck up le. I don't want to retain!!! So far already failed two H2 subs le. Haix..I should go bang my head against the wall to wake myself up. Must have been slacking too much.

Mom claims to have free preview tickets for Harry Potter. Haix..she go through the trouble of getting the tickets for me and I end up failing two subs. What a nice way of repaying her. =(

Wednesday, July 04, 2007Y

Finally, my redemtion! Got back Maths today. Not bad I guess, so ...phew? I shall wait for my bound-to-fail bio paper before I tell my mom about it.

Screwed Chinese Oral today. I didn't know how to read so many words! Plus I stutter so much. 1/3 through I was like:“对不起,我可不可以从新读一次?” Shit lah, I never had to do this before! So I reread! Idiot lor. Then the guy teacher didn't even bother to pay attention. The conversation topic was on some government's policy of giving sportsmen reward for representing Singapore. Then I was like, heng I know a name called Li Jia Wei then I thought I could have used it as an example. But the woman cut me to say that I should only concentrate on Singaporeans. What! I know no shit lah. So ended up I gave no examples at all! Arghh...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007Y

Its a depressing day...

Got back my chemistry results today. Flunked it. Shouldn't have been a big deal since not many passed anyway, but still...flunking sucks! I can't bear to think about what my other subjects would be like. Have biology lessons tomorrow, hope Pinky Wong doesn't give back the bio paper. So dreading it. Haven't told my mom about my failure, she'll have me killed. I think I shall accumulate all the bad news before having my face blasted into. Shucks.

School ended at 6 today. Omigod, I could have fainted. Imagine lasting from 6 to 6 on the very first day of school!!! I think I had to put toothpicks in my eyelids to hold them up. Catherine caught a stray cat today and I went to 'sayang' it. Then my whole hands were covered in cat hair! Not as bad as Catherine's though, she got scratched. Ungrateful cat, we were going to feed it too. Haha. Good thing Wan Zhen let us go to her house to wash our hands. Thanks for the yakult too! ;)

Sunday, July 01, 2007Y

I am super pissed today.

My mother is going all crazy on me! About some bag she lost and she starts venting her anger on me! What is it with older women and their raging hormones?! I shall chew off her head!!