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Sunday, March 18, 2007Y

Omigod, I can't believe its sunday already!!!

Basically, I've been slacking myself away. Shit, I think I'm going to die when school reopens, still in la la land.

Hais..heard from pg Im in class 07s05. Hopefully there will be people in this class I know (and like) de. Can't believe Im actually accepted into the lit class. Must have been too little people signing up for h1 lit. HAa. Don't know if this is a good thing though...*prays hard*

I don't want school to reopen!!! I don't want to wear the starchy uniform, or the ugly tie, or attend cca, or make new friends!!! Suckish hell..

Sunday, March 11, 2007Y

Phew...orientation finally finished! HOLIDAYS ARE STARTING!!! Whoo Hoo!!!

Hais..super paiseh today. Remind me to never EVER take part in crossing rafia strings again! So humiliating can?!

Campfire..I should say..dangerous!! Super scary when the vp fling this sheet of fire right into the crowd! I think everyone in flemming got the biggest shock! Luckily didn't hurt anyone. Why doesn't anyone know how to sing the high school musical song? Haha..its the co-theme song for PIONEER IGNITE but no one sing with me. the entire og-21 run around the school when the song starts. lesson mah?

Then ronson and evan's cheer won and we had to learn their cheers. But I wasn't into it cause I was more interested in dancing the fun Which reminds me, MYRE won best performance!!

At least we get a holiday for now. Hopefully when I return to PJC on mon my CT will rock! Dunno should I go for choir audition on tues. Super sian...

Friday, March 09, 2007Y


He thinks he has the right ah, just because he is senile?!!!!!

I was alighting from the bus today. Then I just stood up from my seat lah since the people standing up haven't move out of the bus yet. So there I was, patiently waiting for the people to move out when this uncle rudely walked through the crowd and shooed me away from the seat so that he can get his precious seat.

But I was like..fine lah, give him. So I was making my way out of the seat FOR HIM and that idiot thinks im too slow for him. He PUSHED me away and shove my bag right into my ribcage. Wah lao, pain ok. Luckily I never trip.

So I was like cursing away and he pretends he didn't hear. What the....!!! Call me suey lah, all of the pioneer people getting out of the bus liao, got sooooo much seats, he must snatch mine. Then got so many seats, he scared what. Cannot wait patiently ah. Stupid. A simply sorry also don't know how to say.

Monday, March 05, 2007Y

An ode to my CT 0701

i just want to say... I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

I will miss everyone!!!

*Times we debated whether to pon lessons or not
*Times we laughed at stupid things
*Times we gossiped
*To the lit people: Times we 'enjoyed' pony tails
*Times we lose at every single PE game we played
*Times we folded stupid paper cranes

AHHHh!!!!! Why is life so cruel...I can't bear to leave. If I really end up in pioneer, I hope my CT will be as fun as 0701. Comparision is unavoidable, just hoping my og and CT will be better.
Thank everyone, for making my day.