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Friday, February 23, 2007Y paiseh!

today i forgot I actually only have $5 with me. Then I still da yao da bai go long john and order fish meal, which amounts $6.10!!! Only after ordering then I realise. I was like so shock and panicked. Then she pack for me liao then i tell her, i don't have enough cash. Sooo paiseh lor. Then she was like..huh, no money still order fish meal. So I have to tell her to change to the chicken meal and she give me the pissed-off face. Did I mention that there were a whole bunch of impatient people queueing up behind me, hearing my embarassing conversation?

Today must be my unlucky day lah. I took practically 30 minutues to type the first paragraph. Why? Cause while I was trying to light the candles, i burned my index finger. Now its throbbing like crazy. Im having ice on it. Ouch.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007Y

Great. This is sooooo embarassing can. I can't believe I fainted in school AGAIN!!!

Ran PE with empty stomach and ended up with stomach cramp lah. Then it hurts like mad, so i quickly stood up to get to the toilet. I also felt that authors are exaggerating in books when they say 'his life flashed through his mind.' But I now know what it truly meant. Today it was like..I couldn't see clearly, then suddenly, I couldn't hear a thing leh. I was so damn scared, I though i was going to go deaf. But getting to the toilet was all I could concentrate on. Upon reaching the toilet, I couldn't remember anything. I think I must have fainted then.

Then I woke up and rushed into the cubicle. Thank god some teacher came and asked me to come out. Really is no strength lah. I sat on the toilet floor lor! Then those people outside were murmuring like,"what happen to her." I felt so paiseh lor, but kinda relief lah, at least I can hear liao.

They had to push me in a WHEELCHAIR!! Then on the way to the sickbay got so many people saw me in that pathetic, perspiring, unkempt hair state. AAAHHHH!!!!

Wah lao, must I faint in every school I go to? I'm so never going to show my face again! (exaggeration)

Gotta thank those people who helped: Jasmine, Liling, Veronica, Susi, Sherlyn (people I can see vaguely) Don't know if there were more...

Saturday, February 10, 2007Y

I am like, so pissed okay!

I am so going to slaughter that pig hair stylist!!!

Basically, I went to cut my hair today. Given that my hair grows pretty fast, I asked the hairstylist to cut till SHOULDER length. Then he started snipping. I thought it looked wierd at first, but didn't dare comment because I thought, 'leave it to the expert'. But lo and behold!!! He cut until neck length can! I can't even tie up my hair anymore! Its offically short hair!! My lovely hair!

It looks damn aunty can. Wah lao, as if my face not big enough, the hair stylist still go and cut bob-style! I look like shit. But I calm down later due to shopping (grins) and went home, thinking that washing my hair would be relaxing. But what did I found out?

HE CUT SO MUCH OF MY HAIR AND ENDED UP WITH A BALD SPOT!! I kid you not. I have this spot that is bald!!! extreme short hair lah!!! He is so going to hear from my laywer....if I had one...

Friday, February 09, 2007Y

Darn it

this totally sucks

don't know why it turns out this way. Just want to say sorry to the people i disappoint, mainly ms leong, my parents and myself.

I probably only have myself to blame for not working harder and taking everything for granted. Its ok, i have another chance at A levels to prove myself.

For those who care, I'm probably not going to stay at ny.

Haix..going to hate chinese new year this year, I hope relatives and friends don't dwell too much on my results. No face to answer them, think Im going to leave it to my poor parents to defend me.

Congrads to those who did well though