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Friday, January 26, 2007Y

I am super ultra pissed!!!!

Was like, talking on the phone while waiting for the mrt. Then i stand in such a way that i have one foot slightly in front of the other. Then this super shit guy tripped over my foot. (Get this right, HE tripped over me). Apparently his eyes are too small to see my big, obvious, size 7 foot!

Automatically, I said sorry even though it wasn't my fault! Then that idiot guy diao me!! Then i was still conversing on the phone so I thought he didn't hear me or something, then I repeatly apologise again. (which i felt pretty silly doing so even though it wasn't MY fault) Then he diao me with that filthy look like I owe him money. He use those accusing eyes lah. HELLO! What he want? I said sorry and he still look at me like that for what.

What he want me to do? Kneel and kiss his heavenly feet arh? Count himself lucky that I, unlike him, am civilised that I didn't curse and diao him back. Idiot.

On a lighter note...

my math teacher is really good!!!!

I was like, dozing off during lectures..Didn't understand anything the lecturer was saying at all! Then I asked my teacher during tutorial time. He like, spent 5 minutes to explain what the lecturer was saying in an hour time. Its like, I finally saw the light! He's superb even though I thought he was some old goat before. Haha..

14 more days till o'level results released....ahhhhh....

Sunday, January 21, 2007Y

Suffering....going to die...

Why do I have to be in choir? The practices are killing me. I mean..practice till 8? That means I'll only reach home at 9+. What insanity is this?

And why must I end up being the bio rep? Hello? I actually had to appeal in!!! Plus my teacher in charge is also the bio teacher. Im so in for it. Did I mention I have tons of problems doing my stupid worksheet? Blank blank blank and more blanks.

Went to ngee ann poly on sat. Rocks! Haix..I want to go poly..sobx. Why must singapore be so practical?

Ahh....nearing the results release le

Wednesday, January 10, 2007Y

I am so not staying!!! This is crap.

After a few days of lecture, those stupid people are still so cliqu-ish. They stay with their own secondary school friends, then I find it so hard to make any. My OG people are like..having their own friends lor, I only have Charlene and Isabelle. Pathetic 5 Kranji people in neglected. Its like we don't belong in the world of smarty pants.

Lectures are horrible. I am like, struggling not to fall asleep. Bio teacher so fierce, Maths so fast, Chem sooooo draggy, Lit people are horrible. Practically like non of the lectures lor. Time table sucks too.

Today attended the CCA bazaar. Nonsense de. I don't take sports, the arts type, like guitar, piano, gu zhen, all needs prior music background. Then I'm left with choir, library...stuffs like that. What nonsene lor. Then I guess I'm only left with choir, which then I have to go for an audition. If I don't get in, I die liao lor, CCA-less.

Why was I so stupid to join a UG before, now no UGs in JCs..idiot. I don't care lah, I'm getting out of NY. Just got assigned to my new class. First class sommore. Haish..I shall give this a chance. If I hate it even more..its like..confirm..bye bye NY.

Saturday, January 06, 2007Y

You see those people tagging? They just want to rub salt into my wound!!! least I get to go school on mon at 9.00am!! This soooo rocks!

Thank heavens that the school decide to change the reporting time to 7.45..this means a whole 30 mins more of sleep leh! Lol, I sound so pathetic.

Lessons start officially on Monday. Hope its not too stressfull. far nanyang still not bad. At least disco night rocks! So high for the entire night! Don't know why we had to do flag day today, in our secondary school uniform too. Weird. Got people don't believe me when I said I was from nanyang. I can't blame them either..haix..I kinda slagged today, couldn't be bothered..have been doing this stupid flag day thing since sec 1 for my cca lor!

Haix..troubled by what cca to join. I'm so not the sports type of person, nor the leadership kind. Seems like all so boring de..

Wednesday, January 03, 2007Y


Imagine waking up in an unearthly hour of 5 o'clock! Wah...seriously..I've got to drag myself to nyjc. Reach the school, heard some crappy principal talk about not being a 'cheena' school and claiming to be 'humble'. Whatever lah, he can't even hold a talk to proper English.

We had to play ice breaker and games all day long. I mean, what is the stupid use of this? This isn't even our class. Plus, I got to know some bad news too. Apparently, H1 art is theory. dream is dashed. And I even have to appeal to get into biology H2 because I didn't get my minimum b4. Stupid. The only time i get a C5 in Bio and I'm denied of a chance to take that subject in JC. Darn.

Did I mention the school logo and song is really yucky? Esspecially the tune de. weird.

All in all, going there simply made me appreciate Kranji even more. " You'll only treasure what you have when you lost them." This is so freaking true. I even miss kranji's mass dance (after seeing NY)

Don't understand why the seniors like it so much...maybe because its only one day...perhaps I'll grow to like it ( I hope)