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Sunday, December 31, 2006Y

Whoot!!! It's 2007!! Time for new beginnings! Hope everyone's off to a flying start! Try keeping your new year resolutions this time!!
Yay! Going for family dinner tomorrow! I LOVE gatherings!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006Y

Amazing what lack of sleep does to you.

I feel like a zombie ever since the 2B chalet. Hardly slept a wink during the entire night!!! Stupid boys occupied the whole bed, leaving us 7 girls with two stupid mattress. How do you expect us to sleep?? So we didn't...

Man, was so wiped out, the four of us (Ruoying, Charlene, Ziyan and Me) decided to return home early. Can't believe we simply slept through the entire mrt journey. I think got alot of passengers stare at us. Like, four girls sleeping..

Dive right into the bed as soon as I got home. Ahh..nothing feels better than sleeping in your own cozy bed. Did I mention it was raining? Soooooooo nice....

Just for the record..I don't think I can take another chalet like this..esspecially if it means I don't get to sleep.

***Sorry for your wallet Ruoying, think on the bright side, it makes your money even sweeter..hee*** ( lame I know )

Monday, December 18, 2006Y


Whoo hoo! Yay! Painted my stupid room. Kinda disappointed though...not what i pictured it to be. I wanted it warm green and yellowish-orange. The green was the right shade but the yellow was kinda dark. DOESN'T MATCH AT ALL!!! I like the green though.. is reopening soon!! The horror!!! [off to draw another picture b4 i never get the chance again]

Thursday, December 14, 2006Y

Oh is shit!

I din't get into the jc i want.. did many others..

Haix, so sian, I only found 2 people that ended up in the same school as me, mainly being Charlene and Isabelle.

Imagine waking up in the wee hours in the morning..not to mention coming back super late. WORST OF ALL!!! I can't even run home to get the things that i forget, neither can i get my family members to bring it here for me...sobx...



did i mention the uniform is a stupid lipton tea colour. Did i also mention that i hate lipton tea?

anyone else going to nanyang jc?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006Y

Arghh..i am so bored...