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Friday, September 22, 2006Y

Yea..I'm FINALLY updating...

Got back some of our prelim results today. I can't believe this. After all this time of mugging hard, sleepless nights...still get this kind of results. I am so sick of this! Study all the time and yet, no results.

I think my prelim marks are DOOMED!! I don't even know what was I doing. So many careless mistakes in maths. And naturally, without saying, my science of

I guess most probably I won't get a chance to get below 20. I screw up my first 3? 1? months. i won't get to go to a jc..My mom will kill me tonight. And here I thought I can finally not get scolding from her FOR ONCE.

I even gave up my long awaited pizza since national day! Did not have the mood to go and celebrate Charlene's birthday with her. Sorry Charlene.. So instead, I went home and draw.

Please...let my other subjects be good. And let my chem be B3.