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Saturday, August 05, 2006Y


Stupid shitty NPCC. Is it not bad enough for someone to make a mistake and not have you shitty people make comments about it?!

Apparently, National Day Rehearsal sucks today. (Made two gb girls cry - both because of npcc) maybe the first one cannot really blame them.

Because of course they want the whole parade to go on smoothly, so they had to call *someone* out of the contingent. *Someone* cried of course. Haix...can't say anything about this issue.


Our gb girl pulled the singapore flag wrongly. Like..white on the top and red below. yaya..of course it was embarrassing..esspecially in front of the Beijing students and all. She knows..she cried too. But some idiot in npcc criticised her.

"aiyoh..dunno who pulled the flag until so hao xiao"

Bunch of idiots. Like she doesn't feel bad enough. We didn't even laugh at you when one of your cadets tripped while carrying that dummy gun. What gives you the right to laugh at us just because we aren't as "standard" as you?

Worst of all..if you have the guts to say least admit it. Just cox we confront scared liao ah. Keep denying. Some man you are. You dare say it to our face you better dare admit it. Stupid Coward.

Of course..there are exceptions..but this is too funny to mention. Weishan must be still in dreamland..