Yes!!!! Got back my
Kingdom Hearts 2 le!!! Waked up early in the morning just to play it. Finally completed the game!! YES!! Whoo hoo! At least Im contented just before school starts!
Ooppss..better get back on my holiday homework!
1 more day till High School Musical!! Lol..Im mad.
sobx....just cut my nails...ahhh!!! My long long one-month old nails....depressing. I hate school.
Went to watch
JUST MY LUCK with my cousin today. I'll give it
3/5 i guess..and
ONLY because
Chris Pine is cute. =)
The movie, at the beginning damn draggy..i was like, why can't they just kiss and exchange lucks already?!!! Anyway, linsay lohan's bad luck was a little..long. Like..unreal I guess. BUT, if she gets to meet chris pine aka jake, I won't mind having the bad luck! Heh heh. He took off his shirt in the movie. OOhhh..
drool-icious! The movie is an ad. for McFly. =S
Review: Watch if you have no other choice. But I doubt that, since there are so many other good movies.

Like I said..
CUTE or what?!! Pity the show was so disappointing...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006Y
Went to k box today and mind cafe! KBOX ROCKS!!
It's food sucked though..but never mind about that. We had so much fun singing of the mayday song that is supa old but got us all high like siao!
Ry and me still got zhu da ge leh. I know the others love us...HOR? I bet they want an
encore! Lolx. Sang zhi xiang ai ni (yang chen lin). Cox the mv showed mickey mouse and he jun xiang. <--which ry is crazy about. So we sang the song and we took turns screaming! Me, when it showed mickey, ry, when it showed he jun xiang. Then so qiao! Almost to the showed BOTH mickey and he jun xiang! So me and ry shout like siao! I think only grace can tahan. The rest of them want to faint liao! Haha.
Eee...dunno why mind cafe not nice to play today. I think cox we too high in k box, reach mind cafe tired le..haish..wasted leh.
Its hard to believe..
5 min after my last blog and im scratching like crazy..why? COX THERE ARE
Screech!!! *itch itch!
AND I DON'T EVEN EAT ON MY BED!! Looks like im sleeping on the couch 2nite.
sleep tight..don't let the bed bugs bite...YEA RITE.
Let's take a reality check:
OMIGOD! Is this insane or what? I swear to do at least one subject revision this holiday and did i get any done?! None..zlich! least done my hols homework? No! I am soooo can i be so lazy!! I can't believe myself. You know what's worst?!
I spent the entire day doodling AGAIN!!! (and indulging in reading story books of course :0)
Stupid GB wants us back for GB day. Is it my business that it suck so much that we dun have enough people? Why do they have to call us? We passed out already! Arghh..then still kana threatened by ms leong to do the stinky project or else get demoted! I can she blackmail us? Just so she can get her silver award? I so want to enjoy the last few days of my holidays.
This Sun, Disney channel gonna show HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!! I really really want to watch it! But lo and behold..Im just so not fated. Starts on 7.30. Where I JUST ended my tuition. Can't make it back on time..and whats more, risk the chance of going to my grandma's. I hope not. Waited a whole month already!!!

Those who have disney channel..MUST WATCH KAY?! Oooh...Pirates of the Carribean on Sat too. I hooked on to tv? NNNOOOOOooooo
I hate the MRT.
OFFICALLYI was taking the mrt back from cityhall the other day. It was like..those time where the train gets really cramp. Then i was holding onto the pole and talking to my ma when I felt someone bumped real hard on my back and I bumped my chin on the metal pole lor. Pain like anything. Then I was like cursing away and turned to see who was it. Then I realised it was an old lady and just about the same time, she fell again and her husband, I presumed, held on to her and so did I. Then the husband apologised to me and explained that she wasn't feeling well. I said nevermind and helped to support the old lady. Then I was like waiting..naturally, for someone to actually stand up and offer the seat to the old lady. But one stood up. Then after a few seconds..guessed who stood up to offer a seat? Some
50+ man. Hello?! Stupid young people cannot stand up ah? Must let some old folk stand up? Siao people leh. Lucky the 50+ young man also quite sturdy..if not ah..haish..
so i continued to hold onto the pole..then i suddenly felt someone crushing onto my knuckles. Whoa..hurts like anything. The bones in my knuckles could have just cracked. I turned and found this stupid man leaning his entire body onto the pole, trapping my hand underneath his stupid heavy body. I shook my hands to let his know that
HELLO? SOMEONE'S HAND WAS HERE FIRST. But he simply lifted his body up a little to let my hand out and continued to lean on the pole. Hello? How considerate can someone get. I wanted to give him the stare..but his back was facing me and I can't go cursing him either cox my mum was there. Idiot. Just for his pleasure, no one could hold onto the pole, and everyone is struggling to balance lor. So i ended up holding one of those triangle things. No wonder Charlene hates people who leans on the pole.
Lastly, at the choachukang stop, there was this 'problematic' man who entered and started making these irritating noises. I know I can't blame him for being...well..retarded but he was soooo annoying..but i continued to stand there, since it would be rude to walk away. Then he came closer to my side to hold onto the pole. And his noise got worst. The people on the train started to laugh at him but he doesn't realise. I was thinking whether to walk away or stay. Then he started to twirl...i kid you not..
TWIRL around the pole like pole dancing and started to
whine. This woman beside started to move away and i decided to join her and move away..bOY..was that scary or what?!!!
I so want to die. Absolutely want to die!!
i woke up at 12 today. Freakin. That's what you get when you sleep at 3 in the morning and have to wake up at 9 just to pass worksheet to syed ( in the rain i might mention ). So finally compensated today. *YAWN...
My mom is spoiling my morning!! Get this:
1) She wants me to sign up for maths tuition (bad)!
2) She wants me to sign up for Chinese oral tuition (ULTRA BAD! I HATE CHINESE)
3) She wants to bring me to some second hand book shop to buy o level ass. book (super bad)
4) She wants to drag me to the M1 shop (dreaful-to see handphones but cannot buy for myself)
I want to buy vcds to watch!!! Hooked onto watching vcds when i go supreme bored one morning and rampaged around my dad's cupboard to find cds to watch. I can't believe he has charlie's angels! Whoot~
ARRGHHH..LAST WEEK OF HOLIDAYS!! wish it could last longer..
*YAWN* extremely tired. Woke up at 8.00 today to secretly meet up with peh gek.
Suppose to watch
SHES THE MAN secretely, cox my mom would never agree to let me go. So i woke up early, thinking that at this time, my ma would probably have gone to work. But darn, after eating breakfast and on the way to my room, my mom emerge from her room!! I got shocked I asked if she needed to go to work today. Luckily she said yes!! She said she was late. So i impatiently sat at the sofa, waiting for her to get out of the house before changing my clothes. Was almost late when I went to meet up with peh gek.
yay! Haha..super nice to watch. Hope the cd comes out soon!! Can't wait to buy!
anyway, the stupid counter girl ruin my day. I asked for
ice lemon tea. Then she gave me
sprite lor! I went into the cinema liao, took a sip, then realise got gas! I almost puked! Then I told peh gek,"oh my god! Ice lemon got gas one!!" peh gek assured my that ice lemon tea cannot possibly have gas de. So she tried and told me that it was sprite. EWWW!!! (i had it changed after the movie)
English seminar was the pits...
yessssssssss!!! Stupid man agreed that the
kingdom hearts cd got problem!!! But he ran out of stock!! Darn. So he placed new order to get a replacement for us. GOOD. Even though it will take a darn long time. But I'll wait...YESSS...
I can't believe how unfair live can be..
so regretful that I can't make it on of luck to her and her family I guess.
So anyway, went to
Wild wild wet with peh gek today. First time there. Not bad lah, but my foot got really sore. The stupid pavement was so rough with little sediments that really irritated my foot. I know its about the friction and all, but I swear my foot could have bleed!
So anyway, we wore shirts in and wanted to go up this slide. But that idiotic lifeguard said we couldn't wear shirts. So we put away our shirts (reluctantly) and went down the slide. Then we saw the next few people who went down the slides, THEY ALL HAD SHIRTS ON! What is wrong with that lifeguard. In the end our shirts got wet anyway, so we decided not to wear them. We had to carry our shirts all the way, everywhere we go...{irritation}.
Then we went to tampinese mall to have lunch. Ate
TORI-Q! Yummy...Heard the sad news from ruoying after that. Hais...haven't had the heart to continue shopping. Me and peh gek went into a state of shock for a while.
My ma wants to go to the bird park! She's insane! What does she want to do there? Catch bird flu? smell bird poo? <--eh? rhymes leh! EWw...i hope I can convince her out of it. I'd rather go shopping! :)
ONE WHOLE DAY never touch my kingdom hearts..this is gonna kill me...
That darn shop better give us another cd or I think i might just die....
Oh well..yesterday got the urge to i decided to draw :
KINGDOM HEARTS!! ( i am so addicted) go see go see!!!
itchy hand wants to play PS2...
I am really upset.
To think i was so happy when i went home early today to play games. Then guess what..I think something happen to the cd. It got jammed!! Halfway thoroughout the game! And to think I was about to finish the game.
Then I kept trying, then it got worst, it won't even start! I don't know what to do...I don't think i can get it exchanged at the shop. How ah..later they don't believe that we've bought it from there. I don't even know how to explain to my dad. I mean he did not pay $80 to get some defunctioned cd!
I MISS KINGDOM gonna get killed tonight..oh why do i get myself into this mess...??
Began the day early in the morning...
I wanna watch movies!!!
I wanna watch so many movies..but haven't got time..nor $$$. Damn.
Movies that i wanna watch:
1) X-men : the last stand2) Shes the man3) Just my luck4) Cars5) Over the hedge6) Pirates of the Carribean : Dead mans chestAhhh....anyone interested? Peh gek ah...go watch shes the man..cannot find anyone..*hint!!! forced to physics tuition today. Damn. The tuition centre dunno is lan like wad. Cobwebs everywhere. Underground shelter. The corridor only big enough for one person to walk. And when I thought kent ridge tuition centre was pathetic with the lecture form tables and chair, caraven has the same, except it is heavily vandalised. The classroom is sooooo hot..the aircon dunno is spoilt or wad. The room was dusty too..eww much.
Got in the classroom, shocked to find it soooo full. So many people needs tuition for physics. See ma? And you thought i was the only one with the problem. So anyway, the teacher was this indian man. He has got the indian accent. Hard for me to grasp what he is saying..but i managed. He sure sounds like he knows his work. Haish..give us so hard paper to do..RAFFLES ONE LEH..
Dreaded sundays...
Haish...just came back from the hospital. Hope she gets well real soon.
Really upset and disappointed. Hope gb buck up soon. Or we'll really have to...
Anyway, today made a trip to causeway and we were spoilt for choices on what to have for dinner. But then..I chose LONG JOHN SILVER. when we can easily have that at lot1. Simply because I wanted to see the size of the fish. Lot 1 fish and chicken damn small and very little fries. And I thought that was because since students were the main customers, small of big also no difference. However....
Given my so far-taste-test, I have came up with the following conclusion:
1. Lot 1 - still ok lah..just nice filling
2. Jurong Point - medium size, good service though
3. Jurong entertainment centre - medium size, super small, service super slow
4. Causeway point - small fish, bad, unfriendly service
5. Toa Payoh - SUPER BIG, generous filling, many fries!!! good service, big space
wish toa payoh wasn't so far away. I can eat it everyday! Yummy!