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Friday, May 26, 2006Y


Went for the meet-the-parents session yesterday at school. Wonder why the classrooms are not open. I sae ms leong and mrs ram at the study benches there. They occupied the whole entire stretch. I don't see other classes around..nor other students. I wonder why??

Anyway, met mrs ram first. She asked me where I plan to go. I said poly and she went." REALLY?! I thought you might be going for a jc. You don't strike me as a poly person. I thought you are academic one." I was like...NO! She said she still thinks I should go for a JC where I then responded by sticking out my tongue ( seriously ). Kinda rude now that I think about it.

Then when I went home, my parents were giving me the..see-i-told-you so kinda face that I would be better off in a jc. My dad was like, " you get good results, we go to australia! " (way to get me to study dad...) So I was like...really? yay! Then he added," must go jc one hor.." What the...rotten people. This is absolute bribery!!!

I don't care about them..I don't want jc!!!!

Anyway, my ma insisted on talking to ms leong as well. I was like..can we just please go? But no...she want to know how to improve my maths! Then I told her it was carelessness and she responded by her infamous eyebrow knotting. Whatever..don't believe me..

So we waited for ms leong to finish talking to jian hui's parents then my ma immediately approached her. Talk about embarrasment!

Mummy: regarding her maths arh...

muhahahahhaha. See..IN YOUR FACE~! Ms leong say I can get at least a a2 for my a maths! Yipee!!! Then my ma was like, why won't you give her the a2 for her cca? Then my face went into complete shock. How can she ask this in front of ms leong like that? Besides, I already explained to her why. Apparently, she doesn't give me the shit.

Ms leong like..a bit pissed off. Probably thought I complained about her to my mother. Then she explained that i have to complete my project first. DIDN'T i ALREADY SAID THAT TO MY MA?!!!


Anyway, returned home to an un-appetising dinner. my dad and I haven't ate so we were quite put off by the skinned chicken drumlets done by my DARHLING BROTHER who peeled the skin off the chickens to eat. Yuck. So we ordered pizza. YUMMMMMMMMMYYYYY!!!!

But I think i ate too much. Ended up with a sore throat again. I think it's inflammed. Oh well...

Monday, May 22, 2006Y

guess who got her wish...? That's!

I finally got my dad to buy

KINGDOM HEARTS 2!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa....dreams do come true...haha..<--quote from cinderealla.
Can't wait till the holidays!! I can't wait to play! I love my dad! And my ma i guess...for not nagging when she found out.
Anyway, saw something really disturbing today.
Was on the way home today with peh gek on the bus. Then there was this bunch of regent girls who helped this i think it was a blind man up the bus. I thought that was very nice of them
Then because the bus stop is at lot 1, so there were many people. Any peh gek and I did not notice the 'singing'. But later, after peh gek went down, and the people lessened, I then realised there was this person 'singing' in the most horrendous way. I was like, who is that guy singing to? But I didn't dare turn my head in case I offened that person. Then when I got ready to get off the bus, I then realise it was the blind man! Then he was like..talking to himself. Very scary. Worst of all, there were a few students who kept sniggering..SNIGGERING...
I SENSITIVE is that?
I know it funny and all, but still, they should not have laughed. I wonder how is that guy ever going to get off the bus...?

Friday, May 19, 2006Y

ahhhh!!! stupid results!!! If not i would have gotten kingdom hearts 2. Wait for it so long must wait till at least prelims to get it..haish..byebye kingdom hearts 2....

a game compromising of disney and role-playing..what more can i ask for...?

Oh my god!!!! I cannot believe this!!! How stupid can I get?

Currently..its now 8.30 a.m on Saturday. I am late by 45 min!!! Actually suppose to go for taf camp at school by 7.45. AND I MISSED IT!!!!

I don't believe how did i do it! I slept a whole three hours yesterday when I reached home and slept again by 12 in the night. HOW CAN I WAKE UP SO LATE?!!!

Anyway, decided not to go. Too late liao..go liao also kana scolded by Mr Kong. Ahh..well..its not like Im in the fit of health anyway. Haven't recover from my sore throat and flu. But I dui bu qi grace lah!!

I promised her I will go de. I even begged her to bring some cds for me. Now she has to carry those cds to no one!!! I was thinking whether I should go..even though I am SUPER late. But I really don't want to get a scolding nor participate when I am sick!!!

I don't know how am I gonna answer to grace after promising her not to pang seh her. I don't know how to answer to mr ong on mon. I can't even get an MC from the doctor cos I don't think my ma is going to let me see a doctor just cox I have a sore throat and flu ( it isn't serious anyway). Basically, Im going to die.

Ahhh...why am i hearing my clock ticking away?!!! Only makes my guilt worst. Shit.

Thursday, May 18, 2006Y

Ohhhh my god.. is that dust on my blog? HAha. It seemed like ages since I last posted.

Today, was the return of our horrible scripts.

Until now still cannot reach the below 20 for L1R5. Liddat how to get below 10 for prelims?

MY PHYSICS SUCKS. Why does it always have to be like this? Does it take a miracle to let me have a 60+ for my physics?

Apparently I dropped like mad for E-maths. Die liao wonder my ma is forcing me to attend E-maths and physics tuition.

She siao liao lar..where got time to attend so many tuitions?

Surprisingly...she didn't really scold until as jia liat as i expected. Of course she is still fierce and all, but at least she didn't say ," you also never study what.." Finally she recognises my work!

Well, what can I say? Seems like I haven't put in enough effort for my studies. Guess I gotta buck up and start listening to malek more in class instead of doodling in my handbook.

INTENSIVE CHINESE IP!!! How to deal? I hate chinese want me to tolerate sooooo many periods with my MOTHER? Oh...silicon..tee hee ( only some people will know)

Ai yah..for the sake of my 29 May Chinese..tolerate a while bah.

Congrads to those who scored well for these papers! (=