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Friday, March 31, 2006Y

31 MAr

A certain situation is trying your patience, but just when you think you can't take it anymore, you get a second celestial wind. The stars even let you see some humour in what's going on, and that makes all the difference.

Ha ha. all too true.

Today was the SUCKIEST day i ever had. Some people takes friends lightly apparently..

I don't understand why:

-do you have to be the special/unique one
-do you not have the decency to tell us before hand
-do you not understand the meaning of pang seh
-you have to insist that you were with them first when obviously we had already agreed PREVIOUSLY?
-can you still laugh and joke when we were there suffering
-u can't see our pain in being with those two
-u dont sympatise with us when clearly the citeria is CLARITY which a member in our grp fails to reach.
-you still have the heart to let us be with them when you obviously know i dun like a certain psn
-did you not apologise or even clear things up when you obviously know we weren't happy
-to let things just be the way it is
-to think that by not betraying them is more important than our friendship

I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. Are you only happy to see us suffer?

anyway. heck care the top. today was REALLY testing my patience and there was no celestial wind of wadeva crap. I forgot to bring my wallet today. So apparently..i didn't bring my key either. So when i went hme with pg to do project, i found out that I was locked out! Cox my grandma had gone to the doc and my maid accompanied. So were left stranded. We tried countless times to call my ma but she (as usual) never answers her calls. Then when i finally got my dad. He said he will come back to open the door for me. So I thought yay! can go in liao. By then it was already 2.45. But it was ok. Then me and pg shared a packet of potato chips which i bought earlier (phew for that). Then we waited..and waited..but my dad never did arrive. Then i went down to call him again..he shouted that he was busy and we had to wait. Bad mood it seems. So we waited and when i went back up, my grandma was home! Hurray! and what time was it then? 4.45. lol. so we end up not doing much again...sad case.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006Y

Wow! Imma translator!

Lolx. Was at the library today. Then had a problem with borrying my book so i went to the counter lah. Then there was this China woman in front i think, she didn't understand english and had some problems with her card. Then got this other woman, she translated whatever the librarian said to her since the librarian was an Indian..then also didn't know Chinese lah. After the woman(translator) left, the librarian suddenly said that she forgot to tell the China woman something. Then she needed another translator. Then she go and eye at me. So fine...I went even though my Chinese sucks like hell.

Librarian: Help me tell her that her son's card is going to expire on the 20 march and she needs to pay her fines of $15.

Me thinking: wah! $15 ah! So much money..oh no...wad is expire in Chinese?

Woman: 你可以帮忙问她怎样才能继续用这张卡吗?

Me: Er...what can she do to renew her card?

Librarian: She has to pay her fines then $1 for a temporary replacement card since she does not have nets at the moment and I cannot make a new card for her.

Me thinking: Shit. What is replacement in Chinese..wads nets? (eyes at peh gek for support)

PehGek: 代替

Me: 代替your head such thing as 代替卡meh?

Me: Er...你需要付一块钱来做一个暂时用的卡。但是你要在下次环在因为你现在没有带nets.

Woman: 哦。那我下次再换。

Me: She'll pay the next time she comes.

Librarian: Alright, thanks for helping ah.

Me: oh..ok.

Wahahhaha. I sound so lan man. Must shape up my Chinese ah. Trust peh gek to simply stand there and not help me!!! Make me so nervous. I suck at my Chinese. And while I was doing my act of kindness, some two idiots (pg should know, members of i.h.e should also know) was laughing at me. stupid E and his friend. Laugh wad laugh. :(

Friday, March 10, 2006Y

My Sad sad day..

Stupid first day. Mrs Ram lah, want to change seating arrangements. Hello?!!! What's wrong with the previous? I had to sit now, with vishal lor. Do you know how irritating he is!!!! He keeps drawing stupid retarded smily faces with permanent and correction fluid ( note this pg ) . So hard to concentrate with him yakking. I wish the 3 weeks would go now so i can sit far far away from him. I miss my old seat with those people. Sobx.

My stupid ppr sucks. How can i get f9 for combine humans? I HAVE NEVER NEVER GOTTEN A F9. This is so embarassing!!! Stupid lah. Lidat cost me my L1R5 lor. And what? Also cannot go tuition..I needa ask for an advance on my allowance from mummy. Later she see f9..i die liao lor. *Cross fingers*

Then later went to lot 1 with pathetic ex-2b people. Nice salmon meal hor nicole?!! Man..i wan to eat salmon...Then those people had birthday cake for me and Japhet lah..since both of us same birthdate. So predictable. haha. Ruoying did not do a good job of hiding..ess since hwan hong is giving everything away. Lolx. K lah. quite nice..but!!! I kana broke! I owe nicole money. and I don't have money for tml. Great. And i haven't buy present for my brother. Man...

anyone with extra cash to spare?

And then.....those people go and pour water on me!!!!! They lah..must have been influenced by those people at the canteen the other day. Then go and pour water on me! I run inside lot 1 also cannot avoid lor. Then saw (Bryan Wong)^2 and those people from whatisshow? Yea..duno which show lah. Then we were like..whoa. And ziyan says we kana pai dao. HAha. Also saw Geraldine See from campus superstar. Then ziyan, ruoying and yiling were like siao...she is a ..(erm...)

Anyway, I must blog about this uncle in lot 1 who was very nice. Cox i left my a maths textbook at lot 1 toilet the other day. Then when i went back, the auntie that day wasn't on duty. So I ask this uncle instead. The uncle said he like recall about this book but i would have to wait till 4 cox the aunty went for break. So fine. I waited. Then we go service counter and ask leh. The stupid woman say dun have. Then i still file a report. Later the uncle saw us and he went up to the fourth floor to help us ask. Then came down and ask us to follow him. He walked super fast and was sweeping the floor at the same time and we still cannot catch up with him. And then? It was at the service counter lor. Stupid woman lazy to check. I was very greatful to then Uncle. He so nice, help us run up and down to help me check. Then peh gek say i should make a banner for him. Haha. Thanks a uncle. :) You change my mindset about the elderly.