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Wednesday, February 22, 2006Y

Yay! Im back!!! Missed me anyone? Ya..I know..super long never blog..what to many hw/test and even if there is none..i needa sleep! Imma pig i noe..:P

Anyway, I only decided to blog today cox there is absolutely nothing on!! There is nothing on the radio, documentaries on tv...haix..cox today an ex. prime minister passed away. 90 years old if im not wrong. Very depressing lor. I was watching the documentaries then was like..he realli is a nice guy. Tomorrow will have the half-risen flag thing till Sat. only resume after 11.30. A long wait, cox its a sign of respect..

On the lighter note..IM SO GUILTY OF NOT TAKING CARE OF MY CONTACT LENS!! Read an article today about proper lens maintanance. And I did nothing about all the no-nos they stated. Guilty!

1) Never wear your disposable lenses beyong the recommended date.
--> I change lar..but sometimes it tears and one would last me longer GUILTY

2) Never sleep with your contact lens as they do not allow sufficent oxygen into the eye.
--> I slept ONCE! And napped many times -.- can't help it! My dad's car is comfy.. GUILTY

3) Do not handle your lenses with dirty hands
--> Muqminah will know..I take them out very often in class. Lol. What to do..stupid cheapo brand. Very painful lor.. GUILTY

4) Never use saliva or water to wash your lenses
--> Phew..did not do that! NOT GUILTY

5) Do not swim with your lenses on
--> Another phew...NOT GUILTY

6) Never use old or expired solution
--> Duh? Who would? NOT GUILTY

7) Never wear your lense if you have an eye infection
--> That time my eye swell, didn't wear, was a good girl :) NOT GUILTY

8) Do not reuse solutions
--> I did once, but its only because i forgot okay!!! GUILTY

9) Never clean your lenses with circular rubbing motion
--> Now it tells me! but I hardly clean anyway..lazy me just pop them in the case ULTRA GUILTY

10) Rinse case with water
--> I HARDLY DO! omigod..i can feel fungus growing...eww GUILTY

I get 4/10 for contact lens care. See lar! Don't even pass! Shit.

Anyway, today ms lai was realli funny..even though it wasn't meant to be funny..but the class laughed anyway. (4d people should know why..the bird flu thing)

Went to watch the B boys semi finals badminton today. Pathetic class of ours..45 people..16 people turned up. Nice hor? But we are damn bias. Kimbell and Hwan Hong played in the doubles but we only cheer for hwan hong simply bcox he is our class one! Haha. Then we ke lian Kimbell we dedicated one cheer to him. But Kranji won anyway!