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Sunday, January 29, 2006Y

First Day of the Chinese New Year!

Okay..this year seemed like a bad bad bad start. Morning everyone was in very very high spirits, all dolled up nicely and ready to receive ang baos. Then....when we got down to the basement to get the car and found out....


Si bei suey ah...

Then my dad called some repairing people over and they repaired the thing in about an hour plus. So by the time we actually got to leave the house was reaching 12!!! FREAK.

After going to the temple where i (AGAIN) missed my favourite bee hoon because we reached late, we went to my grandma's house where another mishap happened.


The stupid door of the lift won't even close..but it moved slowly...slowly...then my dad wanted to force it close and ask us to get into the lift. Ha! Like I dare! In the end, my sis and bro joined me to climb the stairs to the 1oth floor. Scared trapped in the lift man. Even though my parents got up safely, climbing the stairs was also good...worked up an appetite to prepare for the big big feast my grandma prepared..which was ummmm...supa!

After more relatives..we went to MARINA. Wanted to watch I NOT STUPID TOO. The show was not bad. There was this woman who cried alot behind us but i don't blame her..cox the show was very touching...but you know what is the highlight? The school where this film chose to shot it in was .....*drumroll*


I was total shock when i saw the familiar background and all. I kept yelling...omigod! Is this kranji? Wow wow wow. Its my MU XIAO! Lol..kayx..this is all i will say about the movie cox later people like SHEENA will say i let out too much info...hor? catch it.

And now..Im back at home..just remembered that its actually a sunday and admiring my stupid panda eyes...(dull)......

Saturday, January 28, 2006Y


What am i gonna do..I am soooo depressed. The word is DDDDDDEEEEEPPPRREEESSSEEDD!!!

Wednesday when I go back to school. Start of TAF! OH SHIT. How how how..start of the disgrace and all...I don't wanna go...Grace!!! You better go and pei me!!!

I wan to die......I can like..apply facial mask so no one knows who I am? Ya..splendid idea. Then must wake up oh man....

Its ok girl....think positive....good stuff.....

Im dead...

Yay..tomorrow Chinese New Year!!! Offically!!!


Monday, January 09, 2006Y

anonymous :: Who the heck are you? If you don't even have the guts to type your name, you have no rights to tag these things about me. If you simply hate me or anything..then don't even come here! I don't welcome people with the likes of you!
sheena:: Lol. Were you even planning to watch it? I also never said anything much about the movie wad.
ruoying-::Heyhey! Slip of tongue only!
zian::Yea! I wan!!! How come she have? Pirated one ah? hha.

Bad Day...

How can it be that I can be okay at one moment and be totally upset the next? I was fine in school and all..just a little depressed..but when i sat alone right now with no one to talk to..every shit thing that happens remind me how upset i should be..

1: Morning took height and weight.. The machine is obviously cracked up..everyone had like about 2kg extra. Then mr yeo simply did not want to re-weigh..turns getting into TAF. yay...the FAT exciting(NOT). My whole life is half ruined...why can't he reweigh? Then i don't need to go liao lor..stupid machine. Pissed.

2: I dropped!!! Seriously dropped..from Band 1 to Band tragic is that? Actually...I had that one coming..didn't do very well for my end year. I was seriously shit depressed even though i sorta knew. Charlene lar..still go shout and ask the teacher," ShuLin name leh?" Then the teacher say don't have..band2.. Then now everyone knows I drop band liao lar..Then my cher? She's gonna leave at around end of april..which means relief teacher take over..just at the month before my Os'. Wow..isnt this nice.

3: No lockers!! The school lar..go and cut down the price from $30 to $10 and padlock doesn't even have to be from the school. Wah lao eh..Ends up we run more application forms for the uppersec. All are taken by the sec 3 lor. I mean..where is the reasoning in that? They even gave level 4 lockers to the sec 3..we sec 4 so many end up with ABSOLUTELY no lockers at all lor. Thankfully ms wong is trying to appeal for some of us. I seriously hope the school will consider..lousy system...

4: Bad Day in school? Fine...but can't god even spare me? I can't even walk home in peace..Too much rain lar these days..I walked home with these eerie earth worms on the ground..some were dead..some were still wriggling!! Ruoying stepped on one lor! A very gigantic er xin..and she doesn't feel disgusting at all. Then the whole way walking I kept looking the ground and screaming my head off because all these worms are wiggling about all over the place. Sian lor..can't even walk home in peace. Thanks arh..

If there is a something good about this that i got a pretty decent score for my A maths retest..but heck..4 against 1..haish..

I hope this turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Cox im right now at the peak of the depressed moutain..its downhill from here....

Sunday, January 01, 2006Y

Watched ..

Chronicles of Narnia-the lion the witch and the wardrobe

Absolutly nice! I'm dying to get the cd to corpse bride that is. When issit coming out? The show so filled with emotion. There was this little girl behind that cried rather loudly then the daddy asked why she cried, she said because Aslan(the lion) died. So cute man.

I WANNA WATCH IT AGAIN! When is the cd coming out?

Anyway, went for my family gathering today. So nan de that everyone was there cox usually some of my elder cousins will never make it. Anyway...yah..dinner was OKAY lar..i miss my chilli crab. *sobx

SCHOOL'S REOPENING SOON!!! arrghhh..still got uncomplete homework. Neva mind..doing hw catchup with peh gek tml. New year le...gotta work harder (i hope).