Friday, December 30, 2005Y
whee!! Change of blog url. Im so I can finally write about my hongkong trip!!
Firstly, dunno issit we dunno how to walk or what but the 'mai dong xi, chi dong xi' slogan of hongkong doesn't seem to fit. K lar..the eating was not bad but Singapore one is still the best! Yum.. Then the shopping..dull...nothing to shop one lor. Sian like anything.
I remember this stupid woman in the bus. Cos there was this bus to bring us from the airport to the hotel. Then when we came to ours, the hotel was under renovation so it looked a little..unglam. Then when we about to get down the bus, the little girl asked her mother,
'mummy, why this hotel not nice one?" Then the mother diss us lor! She answered,"
lousy mah, lucky i got money to get us into a nicer hotel hor dear?" I WANTED TO SMACK HER IN THE FACE!!!!! So I cursed she would find lizard shit on her bed in her 'expensive' hotel.
Disney land rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So magical wor and the music rocks!!! But i cannot take pictures of mickeymouse. Sobx. Pics below.
I only know i walked alot till my back ached like mad. Then my whole family got so bored we went to
macau. Much peaceful there:)
Did i mention that my brother pucked in the plane?! And i had to clean up for him...double gross...
enuff said, pics:

Look sheena! Its a hiddenmickey leh. I found this on the drain. Cool eh?

This is moi ticket! I had to snatch it cos everyone wanted mickey mouse!

notice the back. mickeyflowers!!! sweet!

Stupid man crossed over..block my mickey statue

There's the big x'mas tree!! Nice hor?

Behind is the sleeping beauty castle. its sooo pweety!

This is the minature of the sleepingbeautycastle. i wan this!!

My bro and his idol. Jack from 'nightmare before christmas'

Short musical we watched..managed to sneak a few snaps!

One day..when im rich..i'm buying all of these!

Donald and Daisy Duck..too long a queue to take a pic with them

Tigger and Pooh!

All the tickets!!!

This? Its a panda..not from disney thou..from ocean park..
Of course i got a whole lot of other pics..but i lazy to upload too bad :P
Btw, good luck to those who retook the A-maths exam today (including me)!